Posts by wozza
This morning's magazine trolley encounter..
by GodZoo inwas just out shopping and came across two middle aged female witnesses with their magazine trolley..
i approached them and they were all glee and smiles and ready to hand me a couple of magazines.
one moment ladies i have just a couple of questions..
Wonderfully presented but I hope it was'nt done with a bad spirit toward them. -
Prayer Question I Had After Sundays Watchtower...
by freemindfade inwhile i was sitting through another grueling watchtower, dying from my brain being turned into cult pudding, i had this thought after i heard this read: .
when we express our most intimate thoughts to god in prayer, he may answer us through a bible passage, an article in a magazine, or an encouraging word from a fellow believer.
-august 2015 watchtard.
The GB is working against god apparently ,for people to have prayers answered from a magazine, the GB is making it harder to do if they keep cutting down the amount of mags they print .
Hey Simon
by ShirleyW ini'm noticing that when i open quite a few of the posts here i notice that the end of the sentences on some lines are breaking improperly.
like for the word paragraph, it's broken up with the "aph" on the next line for an example.
it's happening a lot i'm seeing it just about in every post i open, is it just my view and my computer?.
what you'
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
Sounds like fun ,I remember years ago a woman in my congo that I knew well and visited to encourage ,as I was an MS, was influenced by her daughter to join another church.
When she became an "apostate" she put a large add in the local newspaper condemning the WTS and the local elders ,one in particular, and the teachings. Her public disassociation had a large effect on the congo as she often pioneered ,and had the effect of certain ones questioning why she done this ,sometimes it only needs a spark to start a fire. A young couple left around that time as well possibly influenced by the older sisters actions ,as I had a chance to talk to both parties at that time.
E-Mail, Just recived. About Bethell adjustments.
by DwainBowman ini just read an email from a friend, and she shared some very interesting emails from her friends about information on changes now happening at the bethels around the world.
here is the email: .
---------------------------------thanks sally, jesus is directing the org and all decisions and instructions to us may not seem practical from now on, neither will we understand the reasonings behind many of the changes that the organization makes.
They seem desperate to find anything to excite the troops by adding a little mystery. " ooooo..the brothers have such special insight !" It's pathetic -
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
My ex was counselled for smoking on the FS ,someone reported seeing her from a distance ,it was her pen as she used to be very fussy keeping notes of return visits ,then I counselled the elders for approaching her instead of me first.
Old elder giving talk ,stops and points out to the sisters in the front row that they were dressed immodestly and should move to the back of the hall, all skirts were on the knee.I later asked him why he was looking up the skirts of those sisters - no priveledges for a while.
Priveledges taken off me once at the back of the hall by an elder in front of the roster and an audience of bros and sisters - I had,nt had time earlier that day to drop everything and fix his computer for free.
A brother counselled in front of a congregation for working the mikes with a "shiny" suit on by DO Franz Hoobler -what a prat.
The old elder mentioned before, while conducting the Watchtower study on apostate literature says he picks up a copy of The Plain Truth" (religious mag) at the railway station on the way to work regularly, then counsells the congo against taking the book of Mormon or any religious literature from house holders .,
Counselled to not talk about the pedophiles in the congregation
Oh and this little gem from the "80s in Adelaide Australia at the district Assembly by a prominent DO at the time "brothers do not follow the world with your haircuts ,especially the one they call the "penis cut",
That one cracked me up as it was just short back and sides just like 99% of old brothers
John Lee Hooker - Jehovahs Witness
by apostrate ina couple of excerpts from an interview with john lee hooker, american blues legend, a few years before he died in 2001. i found this to be somewhat humorous.. have you been married more than once?.
four times.
i aint never gonna get married again.
I think Im gonna take my meds now -
What Just Showed Up in My Facebook Feed
by Dissonant15 ingross!!!
i think i'm going to be sick.
time to unfollow & block more people... .
"bad associations spoil useful habits" and your facebook page -
If only............
by tresdecu in....charles taze russell's mom and dad didn't have sex back on that night in june of 1851.... weird that a married couple getting horny could affect so many lives 164 years later.. just a random friday thought.
JA haven't got that one on my service yet ,watching out for it now thanks -
A problem with the book of Daniel
by wozza inleft the wts some years ago, but just before i left we were studying the daniel book that they produced in the book study .. i noticed something wrong in the bible account of daniel and brought this up at the end of the study when the conductor asked if everyone understood that nights study,.
i think i may have started a topic here some years ago about this event ,it was a time when i started to question the wts in my heart and mind.the scriptures are lengthy so i will just shorten things by describing the stories in daniel and how one point really got me thinking about things and perhaps made the brothers wierd out about me sand distance themselves ,here it is..........dan ch 1-4. daniels ( who came to be called belteshazzar)in babylon along with shadrach,meshach & abednego ,daniel,after praying with these 3, interprets and states what nebuchadnezzars dream is( we all know this ,the image with the head of gold body of iron and copper etc) and they are rewarded by being positions of authority.
daniel made ruler of the province and chief prefect over babylons wise men ,the 3 were made overseers of the administation of the province ,all very important jobs ,.
Thanks again Kepler interesting stuff ,it's almost like it all written down by future scribes putting together some oral history, does'nt build confidence in the bible for me.
And Zoos ......Dan ch4 vs 9 NWT