Posts by wozza
Wt "study" Participation, is it a "True Believer" Indication?-- or not?
by prologos inin our congregation, the elders rarely comment.
the majority rarely comment, 2 sisters, vehemently, and often comment.
since in their case, it can not possibly be" teaching in the congregation", is participation in the wt "study"in general an affirmation of faith?
In my congo years ago one of the pedophile ex elders there used to sing the melodies with a strong powerful voice - did'nt make him to be a better quality believer . -
Loud Fence [s]
by geevee inhi all, whilst i have been a member of this forum since 2004, i have slowed down in my visits and comments.
i have called in to ask if there has been any discussion on the "loud fence" campaign that is to be seen vividly around our home town of ballarat victoria australia?
there are many catholic institutions around this town that have had ribbons of many colors looped onto their fences in support and acknowledgment of child rape/abuse and also as survivors.
Sorry I can't see any progress towards helping the abused ,iff you watched the ARC with the Society you may agree with me. If you have had anything to do with Sydney bethel over matters such as these there is only a desert of fellow feeling and decency there with them being in total denial. -
Went for my first legal session today.
by umbertoecho inthe arc are indeed a patient lot who don't pressure.
they make sure a person feels safe.
they don't hold back with legal information either.
Hi Umber nice to see your post ,I had wondered how you were travelling and it sounds your doing ok ,thats great
There are probably a few in oz like me who have had a bit to do fighting the boys at oz bethel over the years and I find it encouraging to see your posts
Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer inwatchtower teaches that soon there will be a huge development that will be a sign for jehovah's witnesses!
5:3 the watchtower magazine, principle journal of jehovah's witnesses, writes.... however, just before that day of jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “peace and security!” this may refer to one event or to a series of events.[search_id]=2038590d-e4a0-4101-89db-27102bef34ba&insight[search_result_index]=19.
I remember when the peace and security book was put out in the eightees ,just in time for the International year of Peace in 1986.
There was alot of anticipation amongst the JW's and they were pretty keen to read the "new" book ,the only problem was that this book was a rehash of an earlier 186 page book called the same . When I found this out I noticed the new one was recieved more cooly by the older JW's .as I was the literature servant .
I think I heard one of those pennies drop in the back of my mind back then ......"I wonder if the WTS is just capitilizing on the year of peace?" mmmmm
Oh yeah it became clearer over the years with the ever increasing changes in doctrine and the way the GB carried on ,anyone else notice this back then?
OKAY, GAME OVER! The number one reason the New Testament amounts to bunk
by Terry infor me, the dead giveaway is this.
jesus wrote nothing.. stop and think about that.. if jesus were the authentic messiah, his ministry would not simply be local.. his instructions, his mission, the details of his teachings would be too precious to risk leaving it in the hands of "men unlettered (illiterate) and ordinary (blue-collar yokels).".
jesus, were he the one and only hope of mankind, would be absolutely certain to write down with great simplicity and specificity the exact owner's manual necessary to rescue mankind.. never happened!.
Some things about the bible just don't make sense do they?
Are JW's heading for the exit?
by pandorasbox1914 inare jw's heading for the exit?
after lurking on this site for a year or so i have noticed a number of new poster's including me.
but does this indicate a massive departure for the exit?
I left some time ago so can't measure whether locally they are leaving ,but I met someone yesterday who I have known for 30 years and had left a few years ago saying she found it too hard to continue with a unbelieving husband and no support from the congregation ,she left the congo and her husband got divorced and ,holy shit, would'nt you know it got married again to an unbeliever and brought him back into the local congo.
She is such a nice person but why would you go back bringing someone else thinking the the judge in the sky will just overlook her indescretion ?
'Worldly' man looking for a little more understanding...
by Verecocha insaw similar title in a google search so thought i'd read more and now simply have to share my experience if anything to hear that i'm not insane and it is that simple.. met and fell madly in love with a witness, and her with me.
what began as love at first sight turned into a 6 year relatiomship which simply ended very bluntly.
there were many painful twists and turns along the way, first from her inability to leave her husband, then my mistake in finding someone else as i simply couldn't take the pain of her coming and going with such simplicity, but in the end she got a divorce and suffered many consequences within 'the truth', and i sorted my issues which were many and admittedly dug with my own hands and stupidity in trying to protect a young girl who had done no wrong in this long affair.. eventually we found ourself on what i believed to be the home straight.
For some witnesses ,especially born in ones ,it's natural for them to be living double lives , it's probably the way they chose to cope with the rules and regulations and the hum drum of their small lives. -
Evidence of Human Activity in Northern Siberia 45,000 years ago.
by fulltimestudent inthis information makes the biblical dating of human origins a sad joke.
quote: " when they dated the remains, the researchers got another surprise: the mammoth died 45,000 years ago.
that means that humans lived in the arctic more than 10,000 years earlier than scientists believed, according to a new study.
Thanks for this interesting topic ,always like to hear these new discoveries .
Like the story that came out one time about evidence that quick to the draw second posting people are TROGLODYTE throw backs ,is it true or not mmmmm....
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
Please thank her for her courage and sense of justice ,I saw how hard it was for my ex in Oz ,nearly 15 years we tried to make the scum see how evil they are. -
Peace and security
by The freewheeling ini wold love to see all the worlds leader proclaim "peace and security" soon, loud and clear.
that wold make all jws go totaly nuts.
they would all run around and yell "now it's coming, now it's coming!".
And , don't forget the release then of that little grey book on peace and security ,they knew the announcement was coming for i think it was a reworking of an older book .........and now 30 years later still here