Sickening story and really sad for the daughter ,
Posts by wozza
An Elder tried to steel and inheritance: Stays an elder!
by StephaneLaliberte inthis is the story of a woman, who’s mother became a jehovah’s witness in 1985. unfortunately, religion became a very hot topic in the family and the mother lost contact with most of her family.
the situation was so bad that the family believed that it was the jehovah’s witnesses that completely prohibited her from contacting her family.. years went by and all remained the same until 2008; the jw mother became sick, very sick.
as she felt that she could even die, she renewed ties with her only daughter.
A cheeky cigarette in Adelaide
by wozza inmy partner has been going to the adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the topham mall she has said hello to the jw cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a naughty.. my partner has never been a witness but she knows i was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.. jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha.
My partner has been going to the Adelaide law courts recently and as she goes thru the Topham Mall she has said hello to the JW cart ladies on her way ,well, today one of the ladies she observed went around the corner from the cart and lit up a naughty.
My partner has never been a witness but she knows I was once and asked me if they were allowed to smoke now.
Jeez they get up to some naughty stuff when they are lounging around on their phones ,must be the devils tools corrupting them ha ha
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat ini know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
The USA 60 minutes did a bit on how they handle homosexuality ,showed vision of them putting porn on a TV and hooking up wires and electrocuting the persons testicles - oh yeah a fine upstanding American religion.
Grew up in it ,all but one elder that used to call around became gay or was already gay ,always wondered if they got this treatment. Could go on but what's the point....................
1930s Vertical Phonograph for Bethelites and Pioneers- of passing interest.
by Balaamsass2 injust thought this might be of passing interest to a few members.
we were unpacking some estate items from a 1930s bethelite and were confounded by his vertical phonograph.
lots of old rutherford books, and some trashed rutherford records, but the phonograph was something to behold.
Wow I had a vertical record player that played singles ans EP's in the 60's ,and it was battery powered ,I did'nt think one of these was around before then .
I've been found out!
by pale.emperor inwell, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
It's a shame you just outed yourself confirming on here who you are ,someone astute enough to pick up from here your identity has probably read your confirmation .
Oh well change your identity again and start all over and then just deny - no 2 witnesses .
Oh dear ,did I touch your belief system?
by wozza injust been thinking about things that happened when i was in the jws that made me realise that i was waking up .. bit of history first ,my mother brought me up as a mormon from the age of about 4 till about 12 ,saw alot of things that even puzzled me as a kid and knew the lds church could not be right (like pressuring my mother to pay the 10 percent tithe that she had accrued while dad was out of work for three months with no income}.. one bug that i had then was that they treated "negro" people differently,coul'dnt marry whites at the temple, hold the ministry etc the prophets back then taught this and changed some things later.. years later when i became a witness i sometimes would talk about this with other jws and point out that the prophets had changed their teachings and asked the question "so who got the teaching wrong , the prophets or god?
" .
it was amazing to see their faces ,always seemed to be the same ,it was as though they realised that this could be the same situation in the the "truth" and did'nt want to think about it ,and really with all the changes in recent years ,this question should be asked bt jws today to test their belief system which is based on a group of men which changes all the time over the years and so does their teachings.. wish the internet and information had been around when i was becoming a jw i probably would have put it to good use and never become a jw ,but for those today ,use it well and your critical thinking and the road away from mens teaching will be swift.
Thanks DOC heard that one too ,the trouble is did god then give these bumblers the power to cut off certain ones ? Does'nt seem reasonable that god would allow this and yet forgive them for getting doctrine wrong .
Oh dear ,did I touch your belief system?
by wozza injust been thinking about things that happened when i was in the jws that made me realise that i was waking up .. bit of history first ,my mother brought me up as a mormon from the age of about 4 till about 12 ,saw alot of things that even puzzled me as a kid and knew the lds church could not be right (like pressuring my mother to pay the 10 percent tithe that she had accrued while dad was out of work for three months with no income}.. one bug that i had then was that they treated "negro" people differently,coul'dnt marry whites at the temple, hold the ministry etc the prophets back then taught this and changed some things later.. years later when i became a witness i sometimes would talk about this with other jws and point out that the prophets had changed their teachings and asked the question "so who got the teaching wrong , the prophets or god?
" .
it was amazing to see their faces ,always seemed to be the same ,it was as though they realised that this could be the same situation in the the "truth" and did'nt want to think about it ,and really with all the changes in recent years ,this question should be asked bt jws today to test their belief system which is based on a group of men which changes all the time over the years and so does their teachings.. wish the internet and information had been around when i was becoming a jw i probably would have put it to good use and never become a jw ,but for those today ,use it well and your critical thinking and the road away from mens teaching will be swift.
Just been thinking about things that happened when I was in the JWs that made me realise that I was waking up .
Bit of history first ,My mother brought me up as a mormon from the age of about 4 till about 12 ,saw alot of things that even puzzled me as a kid and knew the LDS church could not be right (like pressuring my mother to pay the 10 percent tithe that she had accrued while dad was out of work for three months with no income}.
One bug that I had then was that they treated "negro" people differently,coul'dnt marry whites at the temple, hold the ministry etc the prophets back then taught this and changed some things later.
years later when I became a witness I sometimes would talk about this with other JWs and point out that the prophets had changed their teachings and asked the question "so who got the teaching wrong , the prophets or god?"
It was amazing to see their faces ,always seemed to be the same ,it was as though they realised that this could be the same situation in the the "truth" and did'nt want to think about it ,and really with all the changes in recent years ,this question should be asked bt JWs today to test their belief system which is based on a group of men which changes all the time over the years and so does their teachings.
Wish the internet and information had been around when I was becoming a JW I probably would have put it to good use and never become a JW ,but for those today ,use it well and your critical thinking and the road away from mens teaching will be swift.
Car Park witnessing ? yep used to do that and "business Territory witnessing " too that is , calling into stores and approaching the workers at the counter to offer literature even if customers were there. Can't believe I once that delusional :(
This is just a lazy adaptation of carpark witnessing ,but instead of knocking on windows they keep close to the Ipad ,phone, Thermos ,biscuits etc and a quick getaway when they get challenged about their beliefs .
In answer to question ( can a man wear skirt on stage). Governing Body member Jackson
by possum in
Well that does not work for me ,the link just directs me to my Gmail account