Years ago I used to be an attendant (security) at conventions in Australia and I saw some very unsavoury people come thru the gate ,like perverts with extendable mirrors to look into the ladies toilets etc.
We had to surround them and convince them to leave except in the cases above where the police were called .
Ah the days when I had to get there at 6 AM and check for bombs and re-check at the lunch break, some of the attendants took it too seriously though and would have cb radios with a shoulder mounted microphone like a cop and strut about ....ha ha what a bunch of cowboys .
At the Melbourne convention in 1988 one of these guys came from Adelaide to be on security with his bright red station wagon with so many antennae and spot lights it looked like a porcupine .The Melbourne brothers in attendants had never seen this much over the top stuff before one of them referred to the Adelaide "wankers" are here!
But we never then checked peoples bags ,that would have been viewed as bad as touching a person to remove them from the convention site ,but I guess Jehovahs chariot needs to keep up!