Thanks for the responses ,and Listener in regards to the WTS response that you kindly posted it is plain to me that this was a carefully compiled response by those led by lawyers and not by the holy spirit as the GB would have us believe.
I'm looking at many points which are just so wrong about their argument ,but they say at point 18. "His guilt is assumed in both instances." which is so misleading ,put that into todays cases of child molestation that the JWs handle ,I find it unlikely that the elders would just assume the perpetrators guilt , they would try to find out what had happened .
By making statements like this is trying to lead the reader into their assumption to qualify their position .
The fact is they can't lawyer away what is written in Deut: ,here they are saying he is guilty by the fact that the Judges had established improper sexual relations had occurred ,BUT THEY DO NOT STATE HOW THIS WAS ESTABLISHED ! If it was only established by what the girl said then it is by ONE witness !
But if the man admitted immediately his guilt there are two witnesses ,maybe the WTS is trying to make readers believe the judges did a vaginal inspection for seminal fluid ,who knows ? In their court reply they don't say of course how they know this transpired ,they just make a misleading statement.
Like the typically circular reasoning they have used for a long time it seems they are the scriptures can't be inconsistent because god wrote them as if that was a way to explain the bibles anomalies.
There are other wrong things in their ARC response but others may like to comment as well ,I bumped this to help people put closure in their hearts to the disgusting way the WTS has handled molestation cases and their unloving way they treat the people in the org ,I was one of the many that dealt with the WTS over this for many years with my ex wife and seen what damage was added to her load by the way they treated her (for instance one elder said to us they can't act in these cases as out of every 100 cases their might be 1 guiltless perpetrator!)
This statement then lays doubt on every victim of child abuse.
When I was a young child I was not brought up in a JW family ,but was sexually abused by my mother for years , this so weakened me that around 11 I was coerced to a car taken away and raped in scrub and left to find my way home. I kept these secrets from my father as I feared it would hurt him somehow, many years later as an adult I told him.
As an adult one of the reasons I became a JW was to find peace from a harsh world where I imagined these things don't happen ,as it turned out over the years I found out what the WTS really is thru helping my ex wife who was molested by her elder father for years .
I went back over WTS history from different sources that were'nt available to me before the internet ,and here I stand.