don't blame me, you breeders aren't haven't enough kids
JoinedPosts by joelingeorgia
I'm not Anti-anything here - but still....please watch
by AK - Jeff ini don't know if the premises here are provable or not.
but if this video is right - the world our grandkids will inherit will be like a different planet.
please watch..
Time left is reduced!!!
by crapola inmy mom just told me the theme of the next special assembly day.
"the time left is reduced!
" now how many times have we heard that?.
you hear a lot of this from the TV preachers also. I think there is a definitive difference between religous teachers who try to help
people cope with life's circumstances and those who are simply trying to get money from people by keeping them on the teat of
opium which they keep them addicted to by saying the end is near and there is no one that can help you but me.
What is the Truth? How do you Define it?
by Amazing injws teach that 'accurate knowledge' is the definition of truth.
they add to this by saying that the 'conduct' of average church goers also identifies them as not being in the 'truth.
' and, they define their 'organization' as being the truth, because they are a clean people who are doing right works, and teaching accurately.
i think the only real truth's are natural laws.
I took the '1914 Generation' prophecy seriously, did you? Do you even remember it?!
by nicolaou ini was born in 1964, 50 years after 1914. even in my teens i was doing the sums.
i had a worse case scenario figured out - if the 1914 generation could apply to babies and even if they lived to be a 120, i would still only be about 70 years old after they'd all died!
i figured i was part of the first wave of 'jehovah's people' that really would live to see the new order - guaranteed!!
actually, this doctrine was one of the first that I determined could not be true. it didn't have as much to do with keeping me with the witnesses than the fear of losing my friends.
I just lost my job.
by JeffT ini was starting to hate working there, but it's still a drag.
i'm hoping to do some sort of free-lance technical writing, in particular writing accounting procedures.
if any of you have any advice, wisdom etc, i would love to hear it.
my advice is to start making plans and back up plans immediately. make a to do list every day
that moves you towards your goal. part of that may be finding a temporary job of some sort
that allows you to keep working towards your eventual goal. do not let time pass. inertia will
set in. keep your mind active on your pursuit.
What Were Your Consequences For Leaving The "Truth"???
by minimus inwas it as bad as everyone says, that if you leave the organization, you'll go back to the world, get into trouble and suffer?.
Hi Minimus,
I continue to struggle with mental illness. But I take things one day at a time and life is generally pleasant. I have accomplished
a lot in the last 20 years, now I'm kind of on hold, I can't make up my mind which direction to go next. I am not dealing well
with growing older.
Has leaving the witnesses been worth it? It has certainly been costly to me. I probably should have left when I was 20, right
after I got kicked out of Bethel rather than spending 10 more years hanging on when I already had lost my faith. But then, I
wouldn't have met Mitch who is the love of my life.
I spend too much of my mental time calculating alternative life choices. I made the choices I did because, for me, they were the
only choices to be made. I could not go on pretending to believe in what the witnesses taught. After leaving, the final stamp
was reading in Crisis of Conscience that the governing body voted on doctrine and actually lobbied each other for votes. That
rang true and solidified the fact that the whole "Jehovah driven" organization was a farce.
I love truth. I hate rhetoric and political posturing.
Anyhow. If I weigh it side by side.
The Losses - my childhood friends, my brother's family and guilt associated with hurting my parents.
The cost of staying - the mental agony of constantly lying about myself and the hypocrisy of pretending to believe.
The Gains - 20 years of friendships and experiences I would have never had as a witness.
It basically comes down to a choice between living for others or living for myself and learning to love myself.
What Were Your Consequences For Leaving The "Truth"???
by minimus inwas it as bad as everyone says, that if you leave the organization, you'll go back to the world, get into trouble and suffer?.
total isolation from the social network that had built up around me over 30 years
of life. starting from square one, on my own. it has taken a toll on my self confidence.
but in the last 21 years i have established my own life, career, education and network
of friends, some that I have been my friends for nearly all 21 of those years. I have
had a 20 year relationship with my partner Mitch. we live a quiet suburban life outside
of Atlanta. I am sorry that I lost connections with many people that I still love deeply,
that breaks my heart.
Top 10 Memorial Excuses
by rebel8 ingood excuses.
(highly contagious, and you aren't supposed to touch other people's dishes and glasses.)tuberculosis.
once when i was a kid i almost dropped the bread.
after that, the memorial was a terrifying experience for me and I always tried to
stand in the back where they just kind of whisked the emblems by you.
i did fake sickness one year and i didn't go the year that i eventually got
DF'ed cause i had been invited to spend the weekend at a beach house of
i guy i was going to college with.
so i guess i went to 28 memorials in all.
Gerrit Loesh (Bro. Deletion) on what the GB doesn't know but assumes, and you know what happens when they assume.
by neverendingjourney ini saw losch at two assemblies and he struck me as the quintessential hardline prick.
i don't know anything about internal gb politics (who does?
), but if this guy were to assume an informal leadership role, the watchtower would swiftly take a swift turn down hardline road.
actually, I don't like his voice. he sounds very manipulative
of course they don't know what is going to happen next or
they wouldn't have changed the generation doctrine twice
in 20 years.
End of Preaching Work?
by joelingeorgia inmy brother who has recently started attending meetings again sent me an audio clip of a guy.
named rayford saying that the governing body had announced that that matthew 24:14 has.
been fulfilled.
My brother who has recently started attending meetings again sent me an audio clip of a guy
named Rayford saying that the governing body had announced that that Matthew 24:14 has
been fulfilled. He went on to say that there are only 3 countries with no witnesses, North Korea,
Somalia and Afghanistan. He stated that people in these countries would be judged according to
the "country standard", that is, that if these people were unfortunate enough to be born in
these countries, they would be judged accordingly.
This brings up the question. If the preaching word is over, is it over? I mean, no more witnessing
Clearly there are billions of people who have never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses, much less been exposed
in depth to their teachings to a point of being able to make a decision as to whether they accept or reject
the message. Indeed, even in the U.S., there are likely a small fewer percentage of people today, than
in the 1960s who have had connection with the witnesses, due to witnesses outdated ministering efforts.
Of course, the announcement was accompanied by the announcement that governments would soon
turn on false religion and that yes, you guessed it, the end is near.