Was it as bad as everyone says, that if you leave The Organization, you'll go back to the world, get into trouble and suffer?
What Were Your Consequences For Leaving The "Truth"???
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
Nah, the only thing it really hurt was the rif between me and my wife.
Yea, I second the rift between my wife and I. It has taken me a LONG time and quite a bit of negotiations to allow her to do her thing, and me, mine. Things look good, and we have compromised. I would say the first year or two were the worst. The old cliche on how "YOU left Jehobaba", YOU left da Truth", on and on were first and foremost the first couple of rocky years...
Witnesses try to scare you into believing how HORRIBLE your life will be if you ever leave. Most people I know actually FEEL BETTER than ever!
Through circumstances I was already separated from my wife, though still a JW.
When after learning the "truth" about the Watchtower, its history and teachings etc.
I decided to disassociate, that was in September 2001.
So for the last 8 years my JW wife and two JW daughters have had no contact with me. Apart for a very brief encounter with wife 2 yrs ago.
In the meantime I have become a Christian, attend a local Penetcostal church.
This Sunday (12th) is my birthday (58), and I and my sons are going out to celebrate
total isolation from the social network that had built up around me over 30 years
of life. starting from square one, on my own. it has taken a toll on my self confidence.
but in the last 21 years i have established my own life, career, education and network
of friends, some that I have been my friends for nearly all 21 of those years. I have
had a 20 year relationship with my partner Mitch. we live a quiet suburban life outside
of Atlanta. I am sorry that I lost connections with many people that I still love deeply,
that breaks my heart.
But Joel, it was still worth it, right?
BTW, how are you doing? Long time no hear.
I feel better than I did since I was a small child in the 4 years since I left. I'd recommend everyone to make sure and at least let your doctor know what you're going through, talk it out with a counselor.
I walked away directly and DA'd. I let all my friends and family know I was happy to expalin at great length my decision. Only two people ever took me up on that. One was an older elder who had lost his priviledges for disagreeing with the organization. One was a younger guy about my age who wasn't serious about it anyway.
I never saw or spoke to most of my lifelong friends again. Hardest decision I've ever made and I am so confident it was the right one I only wish I had done it earlier.
I did "spin out" a little but - but I think everyone should. I did the things normal people do in late high-school and college. Only I did them at 23 instead. Experimenting, partying, traveling. I may be an a-typical case because once I decided to leave I left fast. It took me 3 months from the time I first investigated my misgivings about biblical literacy until I knew that JW's didn't have the truth. Three months later I had left as an agnostic, later to develop a natural atheistic worldview. So, I didn't have years of fading. Mine was an intellectual epiphany more than a fade.
The Berean
My greatest challenge for decades is totally severing myself from an insanity that probably will never leave.
How many recall the movie "Beautiful Mind"? Based on real events, John Nash never achieved mental health until late in life when he came to understand that the voices and people who had controlled his existence for decades were no more than an illusion. A key line included the revelation that the young girl who was influencing him "isn't real" because even after many years "she never gets old."
What has helped me the most was recalling that when John admitted, when asked, that although phantoms over his shoulder might always be talking to him he had no choice but to ignor them ignor.
It's possible but at the same time difficut to eradicate brands forcibly burned into a psyche by selfish herders.
But just as in the movie, once one does, great things are possible
Lost a younger brother, gained Liberty.