As children we never really had a choice unless we were so rebellious that our parents gave up. Most of us did it cause we wanted to please our parents or in your case to keep the peace at home.
i know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me.
have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only i had listened to a householder?
two things come to my mind of personal experience.
As children we never really had a choice unless we were so rebellious that our parents gave up. Most of us did it cause we wanted to please our parents or in your case to keep the peace at home.
i know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me.
have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only i had listened to a householder?
two things come to my mind of personal experience.
Hey mom and everyone thanks for the comments. It sure is interesting to see how people unwittingly actually we’re trying to help us when we came to their door. And yet we were so indoctrinated we couldn’t see reason. It’s saddens me that we ever fell for that. I did cause I was raised in it other got duped. I wish I knew those couple people and go back to them now knowing what I do and thank them for even in some way getting us to even if for a second think. Even though we buried that process for many years afterward it was still a way in.
i know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me.
have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only i had listened to a householder?
two things come to my mind of personal experience.
Did you ever reach out to that person or are they in the org now and you can’t talk to them or I should say they can’t talk to you?
i know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me.
have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only i had listened to a householder?
two things come to my mind of personal experience.
Snugglebunny I bet you thought that at the time there’s nothing I’d rather be doing.
i know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me.
have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only i had listened to a householder?
two things come to my mind of personal experience.
I know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me. Have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only I had listened to a householder? Two things come to my mind of personal experience. 1. I remember someone in service asking me a question I couldn’t answer (big surprise right)? I told them I would look it up and return. I never went back. I guess it’s that feeling you get when you know you couldn’t possibly answer it with the organization material. And please don’t ask me to remember the question he asked I don’t remember but I remember the experience.
Another one was where someone offered me their literature and said they would take mine. Alarms going off in my head I wasn’t about to do that. Course later in life when you wake up to the real truth about the truth you know why you didn’t accept theirs.
But I was thinking about this and just how indoctrinated I used to be and how there was no critical thinking allowed. Do any of you have any experiences that you thought of later and just how crazy it is to think back and be like how did I not see this before?
just got done watching this program and what impress me the most was the bravery of those x-witnesses to sit there on national tv and tell everyone how the wt.
cult affected them.
no hidden faces, no avatar names and no disguise.
I do hope that they wake up for your sake too. Its terrible the blackmail they use against people stripping you of your dignity and humanity in anyway they can. Take care my friend.
just got done watching this program and what impress me the most was the bravery of those x-witnesses to sit there on national tv and tell everyone how the wt.
cult affected them.
no hidden faces, no avatar names and no disguise.
Disclaimer this is not a criticism it’s merely a sad fact. It’s sad that for some of us that even after leaving that there is still some measure of control they maintain and I feel sorry for the ones that can’t truly break free from every aspect. But freedom even if it has limitations is still better than being in a cult.
just got done watching this program and what impress me the most was the bravery of those x-witnesses to sit there on national tv and tell everyone how the wt.
cult affected them.
no hidden faces, no avatar names and no disguise.
As brought out on the show the GB is really doing a lot to help people wake up by their arrogance to broadcast such ridiculous things and tout it as being normal way to live when it goes against basic human nature. For example where Garret Losche said that Jehovah is more important than people. So that tells you to not have any empathy or compassion to humanity and to just peddle what they tell you. It’s really sad how they have come to grow and deceive people and they haven’t been outed yet like they should have been.
just got done watching this program and what impress me the most was the bravery of those x-witnesses to sit there on national tv and tell everyone how the wt.
cult affected them.
no hidden faces, no avatar names and no disguise.
Isn’t that what the watchtower wants you to do is hide? Doing that takes the humanity out of who we are and haven’t we had that stripped away long enough? We are humans with emotions and families and lives and everyone should be seen and heard especially coming out of an abuse high control group. We need to as the theme of this years convention says Be Courageous in standing up for what is true and showing real and true unconditional love. The more of us that do that the more who will wake up and can get real help. Dad, still totally ADD good job!!
Your Son,
i have been on a journey to leave and my plans are starting to come to their fulfillment.
i got the job i want back to move away from where i’m at and i have just a couple of hurdles to get past.
one of those was telling my best friend whom i’ve known since i was 13. he is still very active and indoctrinated and we had a long conversation where i told him i’m leaving the organization.
I am sorry but I don’t owe any explanation if you read all my posts you would have your answers to the questions you just asked.