Hey, smiddy, you forgot the Muslims...
Though I think their message would go a bit more like, "Islam will save the world! Do you agree - INFIDEL???? OR ELSE!"
so, this morning was interesting.
i was waiting for the school bus with my daughter, and a jw comes up to me and goes into her presentation.
i was pretty tired.
Hey, smiddy, you forgot the Muslims...
Though I think their message would go a bit more like, "Islam will save the world! Do you agree - INFIDEL???? OR ELSE!"
What Cagefighter said...
I'd guess that IF such calls were made, "Andre" and his buddies made those calls to the mayor - it would have been a sneaky and cheap way for the Watchtower Society to fob off the costs onto someone else, seeing as so much of their money is dwindling with shrinking donations from cash-strapped JWs.
justin bieber comes to town and you're scoping out all the mothers who're either dropping off their daughters or chaperoning.
self-facepalm moment..
"... you have to explain to someone what 'clockwise' and 'counter-clockwise' means... because most of the clocks are now digital, and kiddos do not know how to tell time on an analog clock." Jim_TX
If you REALLY want to confuse them, try using "deasil" [or "deocile"] and "widdershins"...
if you like to think of the big question and can imagine to remove one of the 3 similar space dimensions to put in time as a substitute, a picture should emerge that you can work with.
1)working into the past from the big bang creation or random event, (like in "100 abb" or "-100 bb"} , as an atheist, was there a start- up vaccuum oscillation, the casimir effect gone viral,or similar random event , or.
21) so, better keep moving!
As an atheist who became one because I realised that neither the bible god nor 'his' followers knew what a "volcano" was.... [Exodus 19: 16-19]
When I was being bullied and intimidated into the cult by my parents, I toed the official line and claimed that "goddidit". But at the same time, I understood that science was researching the question of the origins of the universe, and that they were learning far more than the "spiritually-minded" sitting in their churches - or those making up their own special little new versions of "religion".
Science still doesn't know what "came before" the "big bang" - that's the nature of science. Stating an absolute while the data is still being accumulated is far too premature.
I'm O-K with that. I don't need an "absolute answer" - "I don't know, but we're working on it" is better than "a middle-eastern god that wasn't heard of before 500 B.C. somehow built the whole universe which is far, far older than the earliest peep about 'yhwh'..."
while in the organization we learned one bit of truth regarding christmas; that it was originally a pagan observance, the summer solstice, adopted by christians much later in church history, and has nothing to do with jesus christ whatsoever.
no biggy for most true believers who left the organization who have slipped into (or fell back into) the grind of commercialized christmas with all the trappings and traditions of ritual binge spending that takes them even farther away from jesus than christmas' pagan roots ever could.
these true believers might say something like, "i know xmas has its roots in paganism, but we celebrate anyway because of x y z", perhaps echoing or paroting the frustrating responses we use to hear from "worldly" goats/folks when we would explain to them how christmas is not a christian observance whatsoever.
" I would like to see the actual Summer Solstice observance come back strong and true, not cloaked in Christianity..." OP
Not sure which culture's summer solstice celebrations you might be referring to, but I make a LOT of 'sacrifices' of beer and pomegranate juice to Sekhmet during the heat of the summer...
while in the organization we learned one bit of truth regarding christmas; that it was originally a pagan observance, the summer solstice, adopted by christians much later in church history, and has nothing to do with jesus christ whatsoever.
no biggy for most true believers who left the organization who have slipped into (or fell back into) the grind of commercialized christmas with all the trappings and traditions of ritual binge spending that takes them even farther away from jesus than christmas' pagan roots ever could.
these true believers might say something like, "i know xmas has its roots in paganism, but we celebrate anyway because of x y z", perhaps echoing or paroting the frustrating responses we use to hear from "worldly" goats/folks when we would explain to them how christmas is not a christian observance whatsoever.
As a "Neo-PolyTheist atheist", I celebrate the winter solstice, but often refer to it as "Xmas/Christmas" - it prevents a lot of confusion.
my husband made a little special holiday cheer in our front yard .
enjoy ,i know our witness neighbors do .
Ooooooo, I am so JEALOUS!!!!
Feeling pretty inadequate, too - we're only using a total of 4 extension cords for our decorations...
Let us know when you hit a million lights!!
i posted this on an older thread, but i wanted to get an honest opinion about this from all of you.
i think taking the 1975 approach with a jw is...weak.
was it wrong (and false prophetic) of them?
"They alluded to it. The did everything BUT say it. But the fact remains, they didn't say it WOULD happen. " OP
Yes, by the 1960's they appeared to have "learned their lesson" about NEVER stating ANYTHING directly or in absolutes. That has generated their current coy, sly [my term, slimy] methods of stating what they actually want JWs to BELIEVE - "Wouldn't you agree that..." "Can you see why Jesus/Moses/whomever would have felt this way?" "In order to safeguard out hearts/spiritual relationship with Jehovah"...
Bleah. They've come across as even more wimpy, mealy-mouthed and unable to take a REAL stand than before. While expecting the average Rank&File Jehovah's Witness on the street TO "take a stand" - and deal with the potential aftermath by themselves; NO support forthcoming from the organization!!
(a) in what year was the faithful slave appointed by jehovah god?
24:45) who, then, is the master in the illustration?
comments you will not hear at the 12-02-2012 wt study (october 15, 2012, pages 7-11)(adversities).
review comments will be headed by comments.
5. what helped abraham and sarah to cope.