Haven't posted in 3 years, but this thread got me out of the woods :)
Joe was an amazing person/CO when I met him. The day I was baptised at the Melton ASSenbly hall, he put his arm around me and walked with me to the backstage and had the most normal chat. Whenever he & his wife used to come to my Mums house in Preston (every visit), it was like having a family member over, not some pompous CO who wanted to be treated like royalty. My fav memory is of Joe falling asleep one day after lunch in front of the TV before the afternoon group rocked up. Looking back it was probably because he was up to 1AM that same morning dealing with all the crap that was Preston cong (how it never got disbanded is still beyond belief).
Its funny, I heard all the same rumours posted here about him and his wife, strange how the rumours about him were being spread by an ex bethelite elder with strong connections in Ingleburn. The same person who gives talks at every CA/DA in Melbourne still, the same person who's brother in law is a current c/o..... Nice smear campaign William....
Joe was the first person I wanted to talk to as I began my fade, wanting to know his thought process and what helped him. Have always wondered these past 5 years or so..... Fortunately I had this site and JW facts to help me (thx Simon & Paul) and others like Randy and Blondie, Sadly a few others who I enjoyed reading in the time I lurked before joining (and since) have passed on...
I hope Joes story and his message to move on and enjoy life for what its worth gets through to as many lurkers/faders as possible.... For what its worth, I've spent the last 2 years working full time and gong to University to get a degree, a real education. Something that in 1969 (and today) the wbts/jw.org told my Mum was worthless..... Stay classy San Diego....
Cheers, Mattieu :)