Topics Started by JHK
by JHK inin paradise papers i found it.
any relation with governing body bank?.
watchtower investments limited.
"Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles With Civil Liberties
by JHK inin the tug of war between religious freedom and nondiscrimination rights, the weight seems to be pulling toward the latter.. at least that's the view of 17 religious leaders — including lds church presiding bishop gérald caussé — who addressed their concerns with the u.s. commission on civil rights' recent report in an oct. 7 letter to president barack obama, house speaker paul ryan and utah sen. orrin hatch.. the report, titled "peaceful coexistence: reconciling nondiscrimination principles with civil liberties," comes down squarely on the side of civil liberties for individuals, the letter says, and "stigmatizes tens of millions of religious americans, their communities, and their faith-based institutions, and threatens the religious freedom of all our citizens.
" .
The nonprofit network: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
by JHK incan anyone explain this?.
a grant search tool from .
The Jehovah’s Witnesses is considering a sale of the majority of its UK property portfolio.
by JHK inevery thing goes to heaven... what about money?.
the properties are generally located in strong residential areas and interest is expected from residential developers and investors, retirement and care home providers, and hotel companies.. ibsa was not prepared to put a value on the portfolio but its most recent accounts for the year ended 31 august 2014 reported total fixed assets of £73m.
It is on sale the Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mallorca (Spain)
by JHK in
it is on sale the assembly hall of jehovah's witnesses in mallorca (spain) .
the money from the sale will travel to the heavenly paradise ....
Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption
by JHK inmillions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens... [...].
what about watchtower society's holy money?.
Petition signatures for financial transparency in Spain Branch
by JHK inpetition signatures for financial transparency in spain branch.
we want an external audit annually.
we want to know:* how much money is raised annually nationwide.
Jail those who turn a blind eye to child abuse, says Cameron
by JHK inteachers, social workers who work with children and councillors could face up to five years in prison if they turn a blind eye to child abuse under proposals to be set out on tuesday by david cameron.
More than a thousand parishioners paid the priests over 11 million euros to build a hospital where blood transfusions not be allowed
by JHK ingoogle translation.
by carlos quilez in barcelona.
february 2,/2015 21:55 pm.