AWF: I couldnt agree more. I have been trying to look at things from a spiritual perspective instead of a religious one. The minute things become "organized" they cease being spiritual and start becoming religous...
Darth Fader
from whom are they taking the lead?
does that mean that the previous leader is not leading anymore?
moses is used as an example when he appointed "chiefs" over different groups of isrealites.
AWF: I couldnt agree more. I have been trying to look at things from a spiritual perspective instead of a religious one. The minute things become "organized" they cease being spiritual and start becoming religous...
Darth Fader
from whom are they taking the lead?
does that mean that the previous leader is not leading anymore?
moses is used as an example when he appointed "chiefs" over different groups of isrealites.
Thanks AWF!
That puts a completely new perspective on those verses.
Darth Fader
from whom are they taking the lead?
does that mean that the previous leader is not leading anymore?
moses is used as an example when he appointed "chiefs" over different groups of isrealites.
Thanks Isaac!
You call verse 7 a limit to their leadership, but it seems to me that they have to be given the lead in the first place as commonly cited (in WT lit.) in Moses example.
Darth Fader...
The bible... I mean, who writes this stuff??
Just kidding..
Add my vote for The God Delusion..
Darth Fader
from whom are they taking the lead?
does that mean that the previous leader is not leading anymore?
moses is used as an example when he appointed "chiefs" over different groups of isrealites.
From whom are they taking the lead? Does that mean that the previous leader is not leading anymore? Moses is used as an example when he appointed "chiefs" over different groups of Isrealites. But Moses' appointment process was a visible one (not spiritual) and could be seen by the flock.
How are we to know that the "ones taking the lead" have the right to do so?
Darth Fader
after having been raised in the jehovah's witnesses for 44 years ( getting out 6 years ago ) i have now come to peace with my view of what i personally feel about the existence of god , or no god, or whatever is flying around up there in outer space.
i am basically agnostic for sure / perhaps leaning atheist and i've come to that decision based on the years and years of unfulfilled false promises of being in a mind control cult ( jehovah's witnesses ) claiming to represent an alleged " god " or " jehovah " saying there would be a paradise, and armageddon to destroy 99% of the earths population.
also- i enjoy helping others without thought of being rewarded for it.
I prefer being a monopolytheist -- beleive in the power of the "allmighty buck" to make people do stupid things.. That or the "Flying Spagetti Monster" -- Blessed is he that is touched by his noodly appendages...
All kidding aside, I lean Agnostic. My wife on the otherhand is leaning Pegan. At least her spiritual view is more interesting than JW.
Darth Fader
my top ten or about that : ( not necessarily in order ).
the green mile.
Star Wars... Is there anything else??
Darth Fader
trying hard to be tolerant... would much rather hear the music he is practicing to...than just the plain drumming.. his uncle sent him a complete set of ludwigs from the 60' set up in the house........ arrrrrgggg~.
r.. .
On my acoustic set I use Vic Firth pads (drum covers) and instead of sticks I use Cool Rods. It makes the moise barely noticable outside my house. My wife purchased a set of Roland Electric drums for me (bless her heart) for our anniversary. Now the only think people hear is the wack of the sticks against the rubberized cymbals.
Darth Fader
I was around the witnesses since age 6 and baptized at 22. I was in for about 9 years as I began fading in 1995. No memorials for the past 7 years.
Darth Fader
i'll be honest and admit that i did.
the 'moses' miracles, solar miracles, jesus miracles - everything.
so no belief bashing from me on this one, i promise.. all the same, how do you reconcile belief in miracles with that little voice in your head that says "hmmmmm?
There are some amazing things happening in the universe and the Human mind is one of the most complex. I would hate to underestimate it's power.
I like the thrid "Law" from Arthur Clarks entry In Wikipedia:
Arthur C. Clarke formulated the following three "laws" of prediction:'s_three_laws
Darth Fader...