Can you please elaborate on the divorce part? My divorce will be through in a couple of weeks, and I wonder if the elders bring me round a copy of this once they find out Im no longer married!
JoinedPosts by wantstoleave
Oct. 09 Awake: What's Missing?
by metatron inthe october awake is a well crafted issue called "secrets of family success".
lots and lots and lots of advice against getting divorced.
also, against cohabitation and ex-mates fighting.. the magazine contains 6 "profiles in success" - stuff like coping with losing a parent or child in death or being adopted or facing financial trouble..............................but................ .
So you're out - first thing you did was.....
by wantstoleave indid you 'break the rules' full force?
did you go celebrate a birthday?
buy xmas decorations?
Yes, forgot about voting!
On that topic, who here thinks its wrong that witnesses are allowed to go to a polling booth, have our names ticked off the list, even go into a booth and pretend to vote - marking the boxes wrong etc so it becomes invalid but are NOT allowed to vote? Sounds very deceptive to me.
views on JW internet dating........
by angel eyes inright.....many of you have said certain things would get people infront of a jc but ive thought different, mainly because i know of similar cases that havent gone before jc...but whats your view on jw and finding a jw partner on the internet???
i thought it was wrong???.
apparently not!!!!!!!
Definitely agree Girlie.
Its also common practice for brothers to go 'congregation hopping' looking for a sister, but isnt really acceptable for a sister to do the same. Also, if a sister approaches a brother, or pursues one, she is said to be desperate and that noone wants her, thus having to look in other congregations. Its so contradictory and hypocritical.
I remember finally being old enough to date (my dad said I had to be of marrying age, which is 18) and noone bothering to approach me. I have always been told Im attractive (even though I dont think so - typical, so wondered what was wrong with me. It didnt help that so many people badgered me with 'being left on the shelf'. Did nothing for my self confidence. I did everything a good christian sister should do. I put in my hours, I attended all meetings, I was a good girl. But still noone came aknocking. At 23, I looked to the internet....and when I met my husband, I thought Jehovah was finally answering my prayers. Four years later, it was all over.
But there are success stories. You just have to find someone compatible.
Thoughts on NOT dating
by wantstoleave injust throwing some thoughts out there.
wondering if anyone feels the same as i do.
you know, being brought up not being allowed to date until you were 'of marrying age'.
Tell me about it, I had more male friends, brothers too and was constantly being told to stop talking to them. Rumours were spreading that I was dating this person and that, and cheating on one or the other. Whatever. The only man I ever dated was my husband, and we did it long distance! I have always thought it wrong that they can dictate who people become friends with. They say its a protection....from what? Ourselves? Our natural desires?
Also, the rule about how a brother cant go into the home of a sister if she's on her own. So they stand on the doorstep. I mean, it hardly means everyone you invite into your home of the opposite sex is there to sleep with.
views on JW internet dating........
by angel eyes inright.....many of you have said certain things would get people infront of a jc but ive thought different, mainly because i know of similar cases that havent gone before jc...but whats your view on jw and finding a jw partner on the internet???
i thought it was wrong???.
apparently not!!!!!!!
Yeah, thats the hard part to digest.....being 'up there' in authority, and behaving like that.
So you're out - first thing you did was.....
by wantstoleave indid you 'break the rules' full force?
did you go celebrate a birthday?
buy xmas decorations?
I was thinking how my brother has been out for about 4yrs now, and lives with his girlfriend. Yet, he will not celebrate birthdays/xmas because he says he still believes the truth is the truth, just that he cant practice. He was stumbled so many times and hurt, so his faith has been shattered. However, I wonder how his girlfriend (soon to be wife) will be once they have children. She says its no bother, about celebrating etc. But I wonder.
One time when I was talking to him about me wanting to leave, he talked me out of it. He told me 'the world' isnt all its cracked up to be, that I need to stay being a witness. I told him I wanted to celebrate holidays etc and he told me not to be stupid lol! It must be hard for him being not in the world, but not out of it completely either.
Besides disappointing my parents if I left, I know my brother would be upset too - even though he's not been a witness for so long now. Plus I am not close to any of my worldly family who live nearby, so I would feel odd and like a stranger if I were to go start celebrating holidays with them. My family was basically the outcast from the worldly side of the family once my parents became witnesses. So we've never gotten to know them as such.
If I were to leave, I would literally have noone. Yet I rely on my parents heavily to look after my children when I work etc. This is really tough!
views on JW internet dating........
by angel eyes inright.....many of you have said certain things would get people infront of a jc but ive thought different, mainly because i know of similar cases that havent gone before jc...but whats your view on jw and finding a jw partner on the internet???
i thought it was wrong???.
apparently not!!!!!!!
How awful LouBelle, creepy! I've known many a 'proper' Christian JW who has done the same without a second thought.
Trolling the Obits
by megs inso, a poster here stated that he trolls the obits and counts his time while doing it.
anyone else here engage in this behavior when active?
or is he amongst the more "special" members of your average congregation?.
Ohhh Obits is obituary? Ah now I understand lol. Gosh, no, never done that, nor would I ever!
Child Custody Cases out of control, your recommendations?
by Dogpatch ini am getting a lot of emails and calls from people who want legal help or counsel because they are divorcing a jw (or vice-versa) and they need help.. i know duane magnani and bill bowen, and recommend them at times, but i am looking for others who might be good referrals as well.
if you have had a good experience with someone, please email me (don't respond here please) [email protected].. yours,.
randy watters.
Wow, hadn't even thought of this as an issue, though its probably pertinent to me. However as my ex has had nothing to do with myself or the children in well over a year, I doubt him being a JW by name would let any court of law grant him custody (not that he's tried - he hasn't). Thanks for the information :)
Trolling the Obits
by megs inso, a poster here stated that he trolls the obits and counts his time while doing it.
anyone else here engage in this behavior when active?
or is he amongst the more "special" members of your average congregation?.
All in an effort to 'increase time'. Rather hypocritical isn't it....the whole getting a certain number of hours per month. I thought it was a saving work....not how many hours you could notch up. I've never agreed with the pioneer work. Maybe I should rephrase that. I don't agree with the 'monthly average' and doing your 50hrs a month or whatever it is. That to me isn't doing it for the right reasons.
I've never written letters to householders, but I know many who do, and telephone witnessing and early morning service, at bus stops etc. I think in all my years I maybe went out one time early in the morning. As a child I used to do evening witnessing. Mostly to please my dad.