Have known a few that have done it. One moved countries to be with her man, they are around the same age. What she didnt know was how controlling he was, and how abusive he was to his ex wife. Obviously, he had kept that to himself. Had we of met her in person beforehand, someone could have warned her. BUT, we did not meet her until they were already married. They met in person for the first time on their wedding day. He brought her to the next meeting and everyone was really shocked. In the 6yrs they've been married, she's moved back home once, for a year or so. Then he went over there for a year. Then he came back for a year. And now he's back with her, in her country. From what I hear, she is VERY miserable.
The other one I know about, they seem to be very happy. Married about 5yrs, expecting first baby, been back and forth between countries over the years. They shared a neighbouring hall with us, and were allowed to marry in the KH.