Your right I got sucked in by ALL of YOU (this means everybody's) bickering. As far as posting original material. Well, I don't here because it only gets lost in the sex threads. And all the bickering and stalking.
As far as getting into flames here Teejay....please don't even talk. Your to well known as for what you are and it isn't a pretty sight. Your just part of the pack of rabid dogs here. I never said wolves because they're too smart for you. Your a special kind of stupid!
And your right I'm not as mean as Julie... Teejay. I know you like Julie you always liked her type ever since grade school. I'm not as mean as you either saying F*** Y** to Seven made you the lowest form here. IMO
by the way: No one here, that knows you, believes you would let me get away with saying any thing 'untrue' about YOU. So, stop lying your not fooling anyone with reading comprehension!
To everybody else:[/b]
I thought about my first post and what has happened since then. I'd like to share it with you. This is why I started posting and I'd like to continue to post with these thoughts in mind. I'm not here to talk about Teejay and his sort, so I'd like to drop it. I've asked the posters at Kents to stop making comment on my posts here. So, this may help.
I'm only here to have a place to express my thought and feelings about the WT! So, I will try to stick to that agenda!
Master Member
United States of America
Posts: 881
Since: Feb 23, 2002 Re: JTs life story Feb 23, 2002 16:19
In response to:
quote: So, not only are they earning $90/month, they don't date because they're only available after Armageddon. They spend their vital years as a Bethelite--I wonder how many of them are out there?
There are many bethelites from ages 35–55 and still single at Bethel. And many more couples that sacrificed having children because the new system is coming very soon. Most of them have not acknowledged their anger and resentment. Because of this I've noticed a change attitude with the bethelites since 95. They seem to have reconciled that they have a superior position because of their sacrifice. Their attitude is reflected in the way they rank us so called regular JW’s. I know of only one couple that openly admitted to me (not everyone else) that they were angry about their sacrifice; when the new generation doctrine was announced in 95. They seem to be the healthier individuals of the lot."If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members"
Jt says in response:
[ Profile Above ] Re: JTs life story Feb 24, 2002 08:24
"There are many bethelites from ages 35–55 and still single at Bethel. And many more couples that sacrificed having children because the new system is coming very soon. Most of them have not acknowledged their anger and resentment. Because of this I’ve noticed a change attitude with the bethelites since 95.They seem to have reconciled that they have a superior position because of their sacrifice. Their attitude is reflected in the way they rank us so called regular JW’s. I know of only one couple that openly admitted to me (not everyone else) that they were angry about their sacrifice; when the new generation doctrine was announced in 95. They seem to be the healthier individuals of the lot."
DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!I FOUND your post so interesting in how the folks at bethel are handling the changei know here in our area when the changed kicked in place many folks just slowed down and started doing other stuff like going to the lake on Sat instead of field service and many are going back to college and other things yes the change in 95 took the wind out of the sail of jw in my exp
I miss JT Even he got fed up with all this nonsense.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)