This is Amazing ... because this is what I've been saying for years. As far as your ACOA reference. Well, and shepherding calls are useless as too. I got into an argument with a drinker elder about whether individuals should seek outside help once. *surprised? * This was our last shepherding call about 5-6 yrs ago. Do you I think they're afraid to come back?
Most of the people in the congs suffer from untreated alcoholism/substance abuse. If they aren't abusers then they're an Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA).
Have you read any of John Bradshaw or Claudia Blackwells books. You would like John Bradshaw he's a Ph.D. psych, studied in seminary (to become a priest), he was ACOA, he is in AA NA , his mother and grandmother were both victums of incest. He discusses how he was deeply affected by it all and how to recover from these experiences. I think you may connect with him. Read John Bradshaw: The Family A revolutionary way to self discovery. I think you would like it very much.
Check out my statement here:
[Disclaimer: contrary to popular belief I have not taken anyone's side because I post at's just quiet over their for now and I've gotten some thoughtful replies because my treads don't get lost in the sex threads]
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.