skimmer, he claims to be a case study...
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
skimmer, he claims to be a case study...
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Refiners says:
Yau aint gonna last long here Hyghlander.
Chat was completely ruined tonight thanks to your ridiculous sludgemonkey rambling.
how do you manage to type so fast man? Have you got pages and pages of drivel that you just slap up into place in wedges
This is true. Hyghlandyr rants and he is inconsiderate to everyone else. He is incapable of speaking about anything but HYGHLANDYR. So you are a bore hyghlandyr...just a bore... I really don't care what you think about anything! I wouldn't waste my time reading your rants in chat or on the board.
HYGHLANDYR chased everyone out of chat...Maybe he isn't welcome in other chat rooms anymore so he has come here to ruin Simon's usually very pleasant chat room.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i just found out today who jts wife is.
she posts here.
theres also another couple i found out about.
teejay says:
Like I told someone in email, if my wife posted I’d be the first to make it known and seriously doubt either of us would lose anything in the long-run. If anything, the poor woman would immediately get a lot of sympathy from the board.
she already has my sympathy ...
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Prica, the question is...where did you sleep?...LOL
reborn says:
Why don't any of the ladies here want to sleep in my bed?
Jason darling maybe you have been exaggerating your *cough* capabilities... LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i knew elsewhere was the anti-christ...sleeping with smurfs..oh the shame!.
sincerely, .
district overbeer
*reminding myself to never get wasted with valis and a camera*
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
is it just me or does it seem that everytime a celebrities star starts to fade they always give an interview saying that they were abused as a child?
look at that other whale, roseanne, after her ratings started to go for a cowshit she announces that she too was "abused" as a child.i mean,why do they not make revelations like this when they are at their peak?
just think for a moment and i`m sure you can come up with a few more.oh,and i apologize to all the whales everywhere.....
LOL@Beautiful Garbage
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
is it just me or does it seem that everytime a celebrities star starts to fade they always give an interview saying that they were abused as a child?
look at that other whale, roseanne, after her ratings started to go for a cowshit she announces that she too was "abused" as a child.i mean,why do they not make revelations like this when they are at their peak?
just think for a moment and i`m sure you can come up with a few more.oh,and i apologize to all the whales everywhere.....
Many individuals with painful disturbing pasts become comedians. It's that simple! And many of these same people turn to substances such as food, alcohol and drugs as well.
Why do they share this information with the public? That would be a better question. Maybe they want publicity or maybe they want to help others who are still suffering by speaking openly about their difficulties. Then maybe they are still in the early stages of therapy when they speak publicly about their abuse. And they don't have appropriate boundaries established yet when they first realize they have been victims of abuse. I think in most cases it is the later.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- survivors and families of victims of the oklahoma city bombing marked 168 seconds of silence friday one tick of the clock for each person who died in the bombing exactly seven years ago.. this is just a reminder that this event personally affected at least one of the members on this board that i know of.. {{{{ cowboy}}}}... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
((((cowboy)))) sorry...168 secs...imbue XXX
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
where do i start?
my mom and dad had gotten into the jw religion about 23 years ago.
about 5 years ago, my mom fell away from the religon and then eventually ended up divorcing my dad.
Billigoat says:
Something to consider, most holidays, traditions, habits have lost their original meanings. Just because the origination of something had a meaning doesn't automatically give it that same meaning today.
Yes, this is true. However Christmas is a lie! So how can a true Christian practice lying. One doesn't have to practicing lying to wear a wedding band.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i just found out today who jts wife is.
she posts here.
theres also another couple i found out about.
No I'm marreid to Teejay!
This list could be longer than he thinks.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.