Seaken2001 email me...
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Seaken2001 email me...
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
sometime yesterday or this morning, i was ripped off for $2,000 in cash.
the money was in an unlocked attache case inside my private room of a shared home.. i kept about $5,000 in cash in my attache case inside my bedroom.
yesterday, i spent about $2,000 of that money buying textbooks (this is my occupation), leaving $3,000 in two envelopes, one having $1,000 and the other $2,000.
Just admit it you miss the fighting...LOL That's why you brought those comments over here. Where Julie and Tina can't post.
Why*is* that?
Are you really concerned for Mindchild or do you want MC to have to continue to explain himself. When he already said he would prefer to continue this in email.
Why are you stirring this up? Are you bored?
[edited to wave to 'Whatever']
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i know this and i've known this for a pretty long time.. sorry to youse who want to receive a different message than what i offer.
you will get what you want from those who give you what you want.
i have no problem with that.. there is a place for me to play.
Get off the pity pot! You have made a remarkable contribution to this board. There I said it!
No, I don't post on all your threads but I do read your writings and remarks. Mainly, because you almost always have a different slant on the discussion. In this place the deeper threads get lost to quickly. It is a shame. You are silently appreciated.
seven006, where I come from men only hang out in pulic restrooms for one reason. And it's not to play with firecrackers...LOL
In another month or so we can buy firecrackers and go hang out by some public restrooms and have some real fun.Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
What's upstate anything north of Long Island?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
"i pronounce you husband and wife.. you may now shake hands.".
"you say you're a sister and.
yet you are wearing a pant suit?!?".
Mt are funny........LMAO
I'm glad Fred was invited, he's so cute.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
sometime yesterday or this morning, i was ripped off for $2,000 in cash.
the money was in an unlocked attache case inside my private room of a shared home.. i kept about $5,000 in cash in my attache case inside my bedroom.
yesterday, i spent about $2,000 of that money buying textbooks (this is my occupation), leaving $3,000 in two envelopes, one having $1,000 and the other $2,000.
Stirring things up again Teejay?
[edited to wave to 'whatever']
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
ok, the good news is i'm on vacation: a time when i should just relax, have fun, do things i like to do when i want to do them, stay up all night, sleep all day, whatever.
but, i picked of all times to *try* to quit smoking.
i used to smoke like only when i was drinking, or if i had a really bad day at work, but lately due to a stupid ass man in my life and my family fighting, i have been smoking more than i should.
No you don't will live with out it and fel better for abstaining...really!
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Hygh...whatever! As I said to your little slave over and over again.
Myrianne didn’t come looking for you she came looking for me. I logged that chat Hygh, the whole thing!
Then you three spammed the chat room to intimidate me and the some others there. After you spammed the room You said: "That took care of Moxy and Imbue". Your so transparent. Do you think we are all stupid here.
By the way you obviously don't know much history because the black Irish aren't pure Irish they're part Spanish.
Yes..I’m tired and bored with you so *ignore*
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Redhorsewoman LOL.
All right....enough of this back and forth wrangling. The truth....the pure, unvarnished that Hyghlandyr is actually MY slave.Hygh your new name is Redhorsewoman's Slave #345009
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Hygh, No I'm not a fast typist like you.I didn't know it was a contest to see who could type faster. You win on that...LOL No doubt!
I have nothing to say if you are there. Since you ,your wanna be slave Myrianne, and your sleeping partner Cyngus were balsting me! Did you ever think we could be busy talking with others in IM. Duh! Maybe not even related to the board. I have friends in the real world.
You sent you wanna be slave Myrianne in there to instigate. Then you came in with Cyngus to gang up on me. You need others to fight your battles with a girl, Hygh. Oh! Your so powerful you make me laugh...hehehe
You prey on the weak minded. Your just like any other cultist!
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.