These dateline interviews are actually scheduled? For real? This is not a guesstemate?
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
the purpose of a preemptive strike against those involved in dateline is to throw them into the "enemy camp.
" any bad pr can be countered as: it's them against us ; persecution; enemy attack.
this tactic has worked in the past to their advantage.. their aim is to keep the r & f in the pen.. mulan has a good suggestion.
These dateline interviews are actually scheduled? For real? This is not a guesstemate?
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
had enough asked :.
if you haven't already related to us the experiences at bethel that you told to your mom-in-law, (or even if you already have told us) could you tell us about what you told her.....and...what is "g-jobbing" (sorry for my naivity) .
i didn't want to take away from sl post about his mother but i thought a little insight into the world of the bethelites would be interesting this am.
I miss JT...he noticed my very first post and commented on it...very 'encouraging'
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
Could you be a newboy
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
ozzie says:
I think it's more accurate to defend Jesus is God than the other way around.
If Jesus is God and they are equal than why would the order be of concern? Unless one was created by the other therefore existed first. Then how can they be considered equel and the same person?
1+2=3 2+1=3
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
pills and thrills .
he was called the world's greatest rock writer.
twenty years ago this month, he swallowed a cocktail of drugs, fell into a coma and died.
interesting..........ty isp
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
i turned on oprah tonight.
i always watch the late show usually tues and thur.. tonight is the first of a series on molestation.
the trial of a molester who was convicted and got 14 years for molesting a 4 year old was the opening of tonights show.
plmkrzy your an Ophra fan! .... Ophra 101
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
god grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change --- courage to change that i can and the wisdom to know the difference....thought for the day is: _progress not perfection_ !!!
i hope the forgoing is coherant enough for all to understand !!!
Yes, Queenie but is everyone else in your life happy when YOU are right?......LOL
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
puffsrule post on women's place in the society prompted me to share this website with you.
this group's name is fathers for life...and what a strange little club it is.. i hope i get this .
maybe someone can make it clickable.. in this article they slam the october and november 2001 for being "too pro-woman," and go on to give many examples, including the one about battered wives.. .
Here you go:
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
god grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change --- courage to change that i can and the wisdom to know the difference....thought for the day is: _progress not perfection_ !!!
i hope the forgoing is coherant enough for all to understand !!!
another one...hehe
"I'd rather be happy than right" my favorite
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
god grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change --- courage to change that i can and the wisdom to know the difference....thought for the day is: _progress not perfection_ !!!
i hope the forgoing is coherant enough for all to understand !!!
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc