There are also nut jobs everywhere! Some people will do and say anything for attention and then there are compulsive liars too.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
hi, i just have a quick question.
on another board a girl stepped forward and said that her story will be airing on dateline.
she said that you had uncovered her story of her husband abusing someone and it being hid by the wt.. now, i can't go into all the details because it would make this post very long but i just have a feeling this is a jehovah's witness trying to make this look like a farce because her story changes like you wouldn't believe.
There are also nut jobs everywhere! Some people will do and say anything for attention and then there are compulsive liars too.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
wonder if she'll have to be face to face with the three new york articles that came out today.. i'm crossing my fingers and praying.
she's a sociologist (believe it or not) and knows about social issues.
just that she says "talk to the hand" whenever anything is negative about dubs.. but this -- this she wont be able to ignore.
Sorry (((Blue))) Maybe she will read the paper but if you send the clippings in the mail anonymously. Could you have someone from another city send them to her. These news articles are important because it will allow JWs to ask questions without citing an apostate source.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
Correct me please but I understood that Simon welcomed JWs to read and participate in discussion here. So, why the confrontational approach? I don't know if everyone responds well to being told off.
How did you arrive where you are? I mean to your thoughts about JWs. Did someone confront you like this? Maybe it will help someone but I don't think it would have kept me around lurking. Are you angry that someone has a different view than you? Do you want everyone to have the exact same feeling about the WT and their JW experience as you? I don't think that is possible. Everyone doesn't respond well to confrontation. If they are lurking they will come around when they are ready.
By the way you don't sound very approachable. Unless you only want to argue. Did some thing happen?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
email me I may know someone...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
jehovah's witnesses act against abuse-policy critics .
by peter smith .
Excellent these articles will allow JWs to ask questions...
Please tell me if dateline actually has scheduled it?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
circe, I guess women are more brutal with each
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
circe says:
Female Mormon polygamists make Amish women look like super models.
So you been leering at those poly Mormon and Amish woman. Are you desperate...LOL
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
circe, it is just my own experinece.... Many JW wives claim to be in complete subjection to their husbands but when it comes down to it they do as they please. I'm not talking about religous doctrine but everyday life. What goes on at home is totally different than what happens in public. I've heard many Mormon women speak about their lack of power in their marriage. They attributed it to their religion.
Truth be told if a JW wife is smart enough she can weild the Scriptures for her protection. Of course this doesn't work with a wife beater or a moron that won't change but you have those in every culture. I researched all there is on women in WT literature. It all comes down to this: In the reasoning book it says that Jah did not intend for men to dominate women but they do so only because they are not in subjection to Him.
So one can reason that a JW husband that is dominating his wife is not in subjection to Jehovah. I've used this on many an elder works every time...LOL
And we were talking about the polygamist I was trying to get him to see the bright side of this....
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
From mormon women crying at meetings ...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
LOL... Which ones?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)