Thanks for you statement... *clapping*
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
after cruising the board for a while i must say it is amazing the ignorance that some show on this board of the true issues at hand.
those who are critical and small minded know who they are.
also the meek however angry know who they are as well.
Thanks for you statement... *clapping*
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
Borg, hahah.... I'm sure the ones married to monsters aren't hoping their faithfulness will be rewarded will an eternity of HELL with the spouse they
So they invented a new understanding..
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
Hey PLM and Borg: The understanding of this Scripture currently is that one may win over their mate to the "truth". Not that your mate would be saved in the "new system" if you are faithful. They may have taught differently at one doubt and many may still believe this way. However the WT doesn't currently teach that your spouse will be saved into the 'new system" you are faithful.
So, you must win them over and they must sell their own fair share of magazine to qualify for everlasting life..
Borg said:
I think plmkrzy is referring to 1Corinthians 7:12-16 and especially verse 16 which reads:
"For, wife, how do you know but that you will save [your] husband? Or, husband, how do you know but that you will save [your] wife?" NWTThat scripture was used a lot to encourage a witness with an unbelieving mate. We were also told, that the unbelieving mate "may" be "saved" by the loyality of the believing mate
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
My point is that THEIR DOCTRINE CHANGES...surprise..surprise! As Prisca said, if the docrine changes from each generation to the next it becomes more difficult to make the transformation.
PLM, Like I said it doesn't mean either of us are wrong it just means that the JWs aren't as unified as they would like to think.
Hahah well, I know a sister who is married to a double life JW. She can't prove anything and he is a wife beater. Yes, she has been through a lot. When she was asked "how would you deal with it; if you have to spend forever with your current husband?" Her relpy was, "Jehovah wouldn't do that to me!"...LOL
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
I know many here have said they know persons that think about picking out their houses for after Armageddon. I have never heard anyone say such a thing. I have only heard preached from Isaiah that we would each build our own houses and have occupancy. (Isaiah 65:21) As for me, I never thought the things in this world would exist after Armageddon.
Truly those raised in JW have more difficulty learning new doctrine. Would that surprise you? It doesn't mean you are wrong it just means that the JWs are not as unified as they would like to think.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
Plm, How much of a devoted dub could she be if she is scouting a "worldly" husband. She sounds off her rocker to me!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
PML, Married persons being ONE is symbolic!!!! I never heard of JWs believing their spouses would make it into the "new system" on their behalf. Actually many JW are waiting for Armageddon to rid themselves of an undesirable mate...LOL
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?. you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
Sorry, March on I didn't see that post that's why I asked if something happened. Thanks for the information.
Yes, we all know that Jws aren't supposed to read "apostate" literature. But sometime people tell themselves well I'm just gonna read the news articles or something like that...then the start to read more and more. It's a slow process for some. You need some patience. You may be hanging with your enemies in chat eventually...just ask Dungbeetle. She and Ring used to fight but they made up. Because, he has learned something's since he arrived here and maybe so has she.
Of course you have the right to defend you opinions by all means...that is what discussion is all about!
But don't worry if you see things my way, you'll be safe.Hahah Ok
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
your horoscopes, onion style :) .
aries (mar.
you will be loud, obnoxious and a little erratic this week but somehow, this will only add to your charm.
Mony, hehehe...Still can't look...hahah I actually said good luck too someone taday as a matter of expression..hahah..It wasn't easy! I'm not celebrating Christmas! And that's final!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
wonder if she'll have to be face to face with the three new york articles that came out today.. i'm crossing my fingers and praying.
she's a sociologist (believe it or not) and knows about social issues.
just that she says "talk to the hand" whenever anything is negative about dubs.. but this -- this she wont be able to ignore.
Blue sure,
I don't have the articles can you email them. Sure, I would mail them anonymously. She may not react to them strongly but they will sow seeds of doubt. It's a long road. Don't expect too much. It's taken me since 98' to realize I'm apostate.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)