I haven't known any silent lambs but I believe you all do! I especially believe it because I know how they operate. When a "wrong doer" is accused and there aren't two witnesses and he denies the charge, the accuser is counseled for slander. Since when does a molester do his/her depraved acts it front of any witnesses let alone two. This I know for a fact, they have been doing this for all sorts of behaviors. So, it is totally believable to me. That's why I'm here!
The story, on this link, is an example of how I witnesses the elders victimizing the victim. Although it wasn't sexual abuse. When the elders silence dubs for anything it's a shame. When someone lies I tend to believe them. When someone shows a pattern of abuse; I tend to believe they are abusers. The elders tend to show a pattern of abuse by victimizing the victim. So I believe the silentlambs.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)