Erica your not silenced anymore and that was truly joyful to watch!
Bytheway: You looked really good on TV...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i can't find the words that would express how grateful i am for all the support, not only for all of you to back me on the dateline show but for my trial as well.
i don't think i would have had the courage to go through the trauma if it wasn't for all your prayers and encouragement.
dateline was a huge help for many and i know this because i have recieved quite a few calls, one from a current jdub who wants out for the safety of his 16 month old baby, i was so excited that he lifted the veil and saw it for the pure truth that it was.
Erica your not silenced anymore and that was truly joyful to watch!
Bytheway: You looked really good on TV...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
this is a story about the heart-pounding rollercoaster ride of buying a house and how i saw the proof that god really does love me.. some of you, especially newer ones, probably don't know that when i left the organization in 1987, i left still believing that the organization was the true religion, which meant, since i couldn't stay in it and keep my sanity, that jehovah didn't want me.
after 12 years of trying as sincerely as is possible to get his help with what was wrong, i gave up and quit, and literally prayed to jehovah saying, "it's obvious that you don't intend to help me; therefore i can only assume you don't want me.
fine; have it your way.
Congratulations Comf...Trust is the issue isn't it? We have much difficulty in that area..hehehe Your still learning even post program so it seems your experiencing an on going rational recovery. That's so good to hear!
It's a beautiful house and I hope you really enjoy living there.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i just purchased, combatting cult mind control by steven hassan.. while reading i came across this comment,.
usually i am able to assist a person in making a dramatic recovery to his original identity.. -steven hassan.
i reread that statement over and over.
Usually I am able to assist a person in making a dramatic recovery to his original identity.
-Steven Hassan
I thought you were remarking about this and how you may not have the opportunity to find your identity. I believe you can just as anyone else.
I remember going through an angry stage myself about my lost identity. It is very similar, as I see it and many have struggled with these feeling. Including individuals that are incest survivors.
Adult children of alcoholics ask the same questions and have anger concerning these same issues? They go through an anger stage asking what might have been if only. What they need to do as part of their recovery is accept the past because they cannot change it and accept their families because they cannot change other people. You can only change yourself just for today.
It's only natural that you would grieve the person you might have been. So grieve in order to heal because it is a part of the process.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i just purchased, combatting cult mind control by steven hassan.. while reading i came across this comment,.
usually i am able to assist a person in making a dramatic recovery to his original identity.. -steven hassan.
i reread that statement over and over.
We're all on a path of self discovery. In alcoholics families the individual isn't allowed to be themselves because they must fit into a role the family forces upon them. Some roles adhered to can be the family hero, scapegoat or mascot. This doesn't exclude these persons from finding their true selves later in life.
I see more and more how religion is an addiction just like alcoholism. Therefore, if the adult child of an alcoholic can heal and find their true identity then so can children of religious addicts.
I hope it's encouraging to know others have healed.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
mystified people wear a frozen trancelike mask, which often confuses others.
the mystified tend to overreact and underreact.
more often than not their responses are inappropriate their vocabularies are parrot like, and since they are not really present, they do not listen well.
Mystified people wear a frozen trancelike mask, which often confuses others. The mystified tend to overreact and underreact. More often than not their responses are inappropriate their vocabularies are parrot like, and since they are not really present, they do not listen well. Depending on the nature of their final trance identify, mystified people either overly conform or overly rebel. The conformist follows others' suggestions like orders to be obeyed. The rebel is compulsively counter dependent. Mystified rebels question everything refusing to agree no matter what.
I've seen so much of this behavior at the KH. Some examples are:
A speaker says be careful when considering taking separate vacations from your spouse. A sistah writes down: "DO NOT TAKE SEPARATE VACATIONS."
I watched a sistah whose husband gave the part about how we shouldn't utilize the phrase "born in the truth" anymore and we should begin saying "rased in the truth." I don't think she even listens to her own husbands talks...LOL Not more than a week later she was asking someone whether they were "born in the truth."
She walked around with a trancelike mask as I've never seen. I never saw her demonstrate any feeling of her own. Only the appropriate parrot like phases. She was defiantly one of the Stepford Wives.
Then parroting in the congs was to such an extreme that I refused to use JW code words....
I believe I'm a Mystified Rebel ...LOL [;]
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i found this on an old journal and cleaned it up a bit.
in order to share it with some of you.
i've thought about this matter at length and i still feel the same way about soulfulness and spirituality.
I found this on an old journal and cleaned it up a bit. In order to share it with some of you. I've thought about this matter at length and I still feel the same way about soulfulness and spirituality. I never agreed with the WT on these matters. I only recently realized I've always been apostate.
Soulfulness leads to spirituality. Spirituality is a state of fullness, an amplitude. With spirituality we see with a larger vision. The whole comes into view. We grasp what the philosophers call "coincidence of opposites." We see things holistically, not as objectified parts. We have reverence for all things, and reverence pervades our life. reverence means "to see a world in a grain of sand," as Blake wrote. Every aspect of the creation is wonderful and sacred.
Spirituality celebrates life and is in awe of higher powers. Some call the Higher Power God. whatever we call the Higher Power, we believe that there is something or someone greater than ourselves. We are thankful for our life and feel like praising the Higher Power.
Spirituality leads us to service and solitude. We care for our fellows and take action to show it. We have love for ourselves. We love others as an expansion of our own life. We understand that by giving we receive. We grasp that by lighting others candles, we do not lose our own light. The more candles one lights the more enlightened the world becomes.
Soulfulness leads us to the realization that spirituality is our human experience. To be fully human is to be fully spiritual. We are spiritual by nature. We are not material beings trying to become spiritual as the WT would have us believe. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Soul sees the depth of spirituality in everything and everyone.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
the tale of the five officers (2000) .
when ms. k. was slowly raped and murdered by a common thug over the.
course of 1 hour and 55 minutes, in plain sight of five fully-armed.
Jan another interesting twist as you usually have with these things...
I don't see the explanation for the Christian God needing to prove His righteousness. Did I miss something?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
a realistic imagination is what has brought me to apostasy.. "i think i'm finally waking up.
i'm finally getting some sense of what it takes to love someone.
" i heard a person make this statement at a 12-step meeting recently.
A realistic imagination is what has brought me to apostasy.
"I think I'm finally waking up. I'm finally getting some sense of what it takes to love someone." I heard a person make this statement at a 12-step meeting recently. This is an example of the demystification process at work.
Demystification is the process of waking up to the facts that surround us; especially the facts about people we relate to and interact with. When our mind is no longer fixated in the past, we can fix our attention on what is really before us. Really seeing and hearing others as they are is crucial if we want to love them.
Family therapist Virgina Satir used to say that when people are highly functional they have five freedoms available to them. They have the freedom to:
* See and hear what they see and hear rather then what they are supposed to see and hear
* Think what they think rather than what they are supposed to think
* Feel what they feel rather than what they are supposed to feel
* want what they want rather than what they are supposed to want
* Imagine what they imagine rather than what they are supposed to imagine
I wasn't raised a dub so I haven't confused my family issues with my WT issues. That is an advantage for me in all my healing processes. Regardless,I see how my WT relationship was severely dysfunctional. I came to realize this more and more as I healed over my own family issues. I believe it's a similar dysfunctional relationship as some families.
As I healed, It became evident how some are addicted to religion. So, I've begun to regard religious addiction the same as I do alcoholism.
I see how these five freedoms Virgina Star relates are taken by the WT but it's also part of our family relationships. I have separated my family and the WT because they are different relationships. Although both relationships are dysfunctional.
I see many individuals here reacting over matters based on family and childhood issues. And they would do well to separate these issues to the best of their ability. I believe the reason a person demystifies in regard to their WT relationship is because they come to know reality. I've begun my demystification process in regard to my dysfunctional relationship with the WT. It's a long process and it can be painful. Reality can be painful but it's worth the work and satisfaction of knowing what is real.
I'm just too real for the WT ...LOL
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
you can read my bio to find out a little about me.
basically, i need support.
even after two years, i still think.
Buffy your not alone and you will find some understanding and support here.
As Nathan said welcome to reality!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
shaking hands with death: the one common bond we all share, even jehovahs witnesses, is death ... it lurks in the back of the head ... and most people dont think about it more than they are forced to when a loved one dies.
on monday, 5/28 i was forced against my will to meet mr. death, and have my first chat with him.. i would have expected to have profound and serious thoughts combined with the wise and sage advice of standing at the threshold of deaths door.
what i found was something most unexpected ... something that altered my views of life and death, yet once again.. the heart attack: it was a pleasant noontime.
(((Amazing))) Glad you survived this attack. welcome back but take it easy and don't push yourself. Now, do as your DR. tells you...OK!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)