Outlaw Oh... you are so special ...
Posts by Imbue
Love Norriss Attorneys at Law
by OUTLAW inhey kim norris,it would appear i owe you an appology.when i first saw your post i figured it was one of our board pranksters up to no good.now facts would bear out,your for real.i`am happy for that,this board can use more people who are concerned for abused children.you are a very welcome poster here.i appologize to you,for not checking you out before i made my post.i do hope you will stay...outlaw edited by - outlaw on 13 june 2002 23:13:35.
How many guys here wash the dishes?
by ashitaka inor do other chores?
any here archaic and expect the woman to do all of the work?
my mother taught me that women don't need our help, but we should give it anyway, to show our love.
tying up and spanking part...anybody can do that
Valis... no no no .... only someone that I let tie me up.. can spank me... and that isn't just anybody..
As for your cooking boast. I'll let you prove it someday if I come to Dallas for one of the District Overbeerers apostafests..mmm... up for the challenge???
Update on me
by joelbear inhi friends.. lots going on in my life.
i've been busy and thus post seldom these days.. my health -- my right leg is still giving me trouble but not nearly as bad as it was.
i see a chiropractor once a week and that helps a great deal.
Hey Joel,
For many with your condition it's great to finally know what's wrong and that medication can help. Please listen to Comf about the medication. If you think you may want to stop taking your medication please consult with your PCP. Your Doc will instruct you on how to titrate off your meds so you won't crash as hard. Then, he may suggest an alternative medication. If your on the customary medication for your illness then definitely continue your medication through the ups and downs that are sure to continue to come your way. Remember, we all have good and bad days. Your new medication will only stabilize your moods; it won't cure all the ups and downs in your life.
Congratulations on those grades too! I miss your humor around here...LOL
PS.. Inform your Doc about your anxiousness and panic because a second medication may be what's in order. Many persons with your illness have several medications that work to alleviate symptoms.
Congradulations to PLH
by slipnslidemaster in.
congradulations on making emperor.
i knew you could do it.
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 23:0:13
How many guys here wash the dishes?
by ashitaka inor do other chores?
any here archaic and expect the woman to do all of the work?
my mother taught me that women don't need our help, but we should give it anyway, to show our love.
A Cook that doesn't clean up is not appreciated as one that does the whole job. Only cooking is not the same as washing dishes therefore it doesn't count as a cleaning chore...LOL
Uh.. did you say ...tied up in no time...purr mmmmmmmm
How many guys here wash the dishes?
by ashitaka inor do other chores?
any here archaic and expect the woman to do all of the work?
my mother taught me that women don't need our help, but we should give it anyway, to show our love.
Valis no it doesn't count...LOL I'd have you trained in no time so come over to my house to play..
How many guys here wash the dishes?
by ashitaka inor do other chores?
any here archaic and expect the woman to do all of the work?
my mother taught me that women don't need our help, but we should give it anyway, to show our love.
My husband does the laundry after he mows the lawn...does that answer your question?
PS..We both do dishes and I do most of the cleaning.
More advice needed yet again for the 2nd time
by bboyneko inhehe.. i posted a while back about my former boss trying to lure me to work for him and offering me $32,000 a year.
my current salary is $30,000.
he is now offering me $36,000, a $1,500 sign-on bonus in cash, full health and free parking at the inner habror in baltimore.
Dan... My other question is: can you learn anything from your old boss? And are you learning anything in your curent position?
These are questions I would ask myself.
More advice needed yet again for the 2nd time
by bboyneko inhehe.. i posted a while back about my former boss trying to lure me to work for him and offering me $32,000 a year.
my current salary is $30,000.
he is now offering me $36,000, a $1,500 sign-on bonus in cash, full health and free parking at the inner habror in baltimore.
Ask him exactly what your responsibilities will be and how much control you will have over
designs. Are you ready for it as a designer? Are you currently a Jr. Designer? Is this a
company in house design studio? If not it may mean working weekends to finish projects
and longer hours as the (senior) Head Designer. $36,000 in your area may be good
but where I live, a senior designer, even in these lean times for design, would at least
expect $60,000, at least! it sounds like he may want you to use you like a work horse for
less money and no glory. If you're mostly being used for your computer skills and aren't
actually designing. I don't know how it works in your area but that's what it's like here.
Then ask if you will have the senior designer title.
Are you a digital media or print designer?
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 21:54:53
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 21:56:7
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 21:58:34
JWs Are The Smartest People on Earth
by comforter incomforter is just pulling your leg guys!!!
at least i hope so!!
Everyone is an individual and that includes JWs!
Some are very intelligent and others are challenged.