Hmm...Gossip about DF'd DA'd persons is permitted by all JWs including elders and their wives. You cannot slander a DF/DA'd person only fellow believers!
Edited by - imbue on 27 June 2002 17:23:37
geez- does gossip spread in j dub land.
last night when i got home there was a message from a jw friend asking me to call her.
well, i did and she had heard that i had moved in with a "worldly" person and asked me how i was, etc... i asked her where she had heard that and she told me so&so told her.
Hmm...Gossip about DF'd DA'd persons is permitted by all JWs including elders and their wives. You cannot slander a DF/DA'd person only fellow believers!
Edited by - imbue on 27 June 2002 17:23:37
when i meet somebody for the first time i always have a few standard questions i ask how about it.
i would like to know about all you wonderful people that i chat and post with on a daily basis.
this is me (i edited to put the link in by stephanus...thanks a bunch) .
1. What is your favorite color? reds, blues, yellows,violets, greens, orange, browns, greys...I love all colors but I mostly wear black
2. What is your sun sign? who cares??
3. What is your poison of choice? tea..I never touch ETOH
4. The one celebrity that you would sleep with if you could? Jude Law....yummy
5. Musical Inspiration? Ella Fitzgerald, Robert Johnson........ I also love primitive music and art
6. What is your favorite movie? I don't have one in particular there are so many...
7. Do you prefer to be too hot or too cold? just right... I love all four seasons
8. What do you fear? to start smoking again
9. What do you think is your greatest personality asset? loyalty
10. What do you think is your biggest personality flaw? temper
the grandaddy of big jw discussion boards like this one is the site that i launched in 1997 after leaving the mining co., (or witnet).
if you weren't into the whole jw online scene before 2001 then you missed it.
when i pulled the plug on the site about a year and a half ago, i did not keep any archives of the site.
Obie I thought you promised no archives! OMG... LOL ...
i was so saddened yesterday when i read this post by kent.
there is so much information on wo that have helped thousands of people.
Yes, It's very sad that Kent has to become inactive with his work. It would be a tragedy if all of the information he has provided would be lost.
*Toast to Kent*
there are certainly enough valid criticisms of the wts and the jw religion, but a significant number of often-repeated criticisms of the religion are, imnsho, just ludicruous and serves to take attention away from the real issues.
significant problems with the wts includes, but are not limited to, the shunning policy, the blood issue and of course the corporate policy of hiding child molestors.. here is a list of criticisms of the wts that i find particularly annoying to see:.
russell was a freemason (or, even worse, the wts is part of some other large-scale conspiracy like the illuminati).
Larc: I'm not disagreeing with you or Jan. I was just adding a thought about the WT's resources. I agree with Jan's statements and have discussed some of these points before. Strong inaccurate statements, such as the WT is a cult, confuses the main issues.
there are certainly enough valid criticisms of the wts and the jw religion, but a significant number of often-repeated criticisms of the religion are, imnsho, just ludicruous and serves to take attention away from the real issues.
significant problems with the wts includes, but are not limited to, the shunning policy, the blood issue and of course the corporate policy of hiding child molestors.. here is a list of criticisms of the wts that i find particularly annoying to see:.
russell was a freemason (or, even worse, the wts is part of some other large-scale conspiracy like the illuminati).
Larc the real money is in estates and they have been collecting an investing...
everybody has their own cure for a hangover.
i was talking to a guy last week, and he suggested taking two advil and drinking a glass of milk as soon as you wake up.
somebody else i talked to suggested drinking ginger ale.
Sweetie Jan,
I disagree sobriety is the only true cure for a hangover. That is the topic after all. I wouldn't compare all alcohol consumption to the disease of alcoholism. If that is what you are arguing. lol
Just as the only true cure for the dry heaves that heroin addicts experience is absence!
Edited by - imbue on 25 June 2002 23:28:29
everybody has their own cure for a hangover.
i was talking to a guy last week, and he suggested taking two advil and drinking a glass of milk as soon as you wake up.
somebody else i talked to suggested drinking ginger ale.
Darlin' Jan,
So your saying that sobriety is the same as death? Do you think I'm dead??
everybody has their own cure for a hangover.
i was talking to a guy last week, and he suggested taking two advil and drinking a glass of milk as soon as you wake up.
somebody else i talked to suggested drinking ginger ale.
The best cure for hangovers is to avoid ETOH in the first place!, it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
I have a sense of humor and you don't!
enuff said