Top STUPID criticisms of the WTS

by JanH 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH

    There are certainly enough valid criticisms of the WTS and the JW religion, but a significant number of often-repeated criticisms of the religion are, IMNSHO, just ludicruous and serves to take attention away from the real issues. Significant problems with the WTS includes, but are not limited to, the shunning policy, the blood issue and of course the corporate policy of hiding child molestors.

    Here is a list of criticisms of the WTS that I find particularly annoying to see:

    Russell was a Freemason (or, even worse, the WTS is part of some other large-scale conspiracy like the Illuminati). There is no evidence whatsoever that Russell was a freemason. Repeating such allegations only serves to portray JW critics as nutcase conspiracy theorists.

    The New World Translation is a horrible mistranslation. I have myself pointed out some serious flaws in the NWT, but it is patently ridiculous to assert as some do it is "the most dangerous book in the world". Many criticisms center around some questionable unorthodox renderings that are associated with Christology. You can argue John 1:1 until the end of the world; but like it or not, a decent case can be made that the NWT rendering represents the original Greek just as good as the orthodox version. It is to be expected, and certainly legitimate, that the WTS has chosen to let their own theology guide the way they have chosen to render key verses. There is no such thing as an unbiased translation. As the Italians say, "the translator is the traitor." Lots of meaning will get lost in any translation, and there is no such thing as a "one correct translation" of even a simple text.

    The JW leaders are in it for the money. Let's face it, JW leaders live very simple lives compared to most religious leaders in the world. The corporation certainly need money to make their world go 'round, and have displayed greed in many cases that they well deserve to be called on, but anyone who asserts that the WTS leadership have money as their personal motivation overshoots the mark with a wide margin.

    The JWs use brainwashing. Real brainwashing doesn't work. There is a sliding scale between gentle coercion and heavy indoctrination, and certainly the JWs are closer to the latter. People convert to the JWs for the same reason they convert to other religions; they are socially attracted to the group and gradually come to accept their practices and doctrines. I certainly agree that JWs use unethical practices to isolate its members from contrary ideas and particularly former members, but it has little to do with "brainwashing" a term that tends to bring up ideas of some near-magical procedure to render people into helpless robots.

    The JWs are a Cult. The word "cult" has so many meanings it is totally meaningless. Genereally it is used to refer to any religion you don't personally like. In some circles, it is used to portray a group not adhering to Christian orthodoxy. Among scholars, it refers to a subset of religious practices within a religion (e.g. the RCC "Mary cult"). If you mean a group with a high level of control of its members, I suggest you say so, instead of using a word that is so misleading.

    I am sure I have forgotten some criticisms. Any takers?

    - Jan

  • DevonMcBride

    >The JWs are a Cult. The word "cult" has so many meanings it is totally meaningless. Genereally it is used to refer to any religion you don't personally like. In some circles, it is used to portray a group not adhering to Christian orthodoxy. Among scholars, it refers to a subset of religious practices within a religion (e.g. the RCC "Mary cult"). If you mean a group with a high level of control of its members, I suggest you say so, instead of using a word that is so misleading<

    I believe that many Exit Counselors are phasing out of the word "cult" and are using the term "mind control."

    To add to your list I think bringing up the Trinity is also an invalid criticism. Considering the non-Christian world, which is the majority of the world's population, doesn't believe in the Trinity either.


  • Cygnus

    Amen and Amen Jan.

    I would add to the faulty list of critics' arguments:

    Trinity -- whether Jesus is a false god or a true god, and comparisons of John 1:1 to those scriptures in Isaiah and Deuteronomy where God asserts that he is and there is no other god.

    That Russell taught that Jesus would show up in 1914 and when he did not he then said that Jesus really did only invisibly.
    That Russell derived his chronology and eschatology from pyramids.

    Only 144,000 JWs will survive Armageddon.

    That JWs are constantly waiting for the next person to shun so they can feel good about being such righteous people.

    The Bible says nothing about organized worship.

    Edited by - Cygnus on 25 June 2002 21:25:23

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    I wish I had more to add to this one! The only thing I can say- I've been telling my mom for months that the bible says do not add or minus from the word- yet witnesses add & minus from the bible! They just don't see it- they say the society took out the thees & thous- they think that is all that has changed! My question- do you think that it is the MODERN day witnesses fault for being misled- or the ones who started it & are brainwashing them? Alot of them are good people that are just misled- I don't hold offense to them personally, I feel sorry for them for not seeing the truth. Not their truth, either!

  • ros

    Good post, Jan.

    Another favorite "stupid criticism" of mine is the fundamentalist claim that Jehovah's Witnesses ignore Jesus ("don't know the real Jesus") because they don't tout the trinity, when in fact the WT teaches Christ is the mediator.


  • Farkel


    You said:

    : That Russell derived his chronology and eschatology from pyramids.

    Do you deny that Russell derived any of his chronology from the pyramids?


    Edited by - Farkel on 25 June 2002 21:40:22

  • Cygnus


    Russell derived his chronology from the Bible (or, borrowed it from Barbour who derived it from the Bible). He used pyramids much later to support his Bible chronology. Yet at least once a week I run into a JW opposer who argues that Russell got his chronology solely from pyramids.

  • heathen

    I for one can agree that some critisism is unjust .you made some good points .I often hear the remarks ,especially around here that the jws play down jesus making him less of an important figure than he is .as far as I could tell they are fanatical about christianity to the point of blind obediance to anything their governing body dictates under the belief that they are invisibly directed by spirit beings from heaven and jesus being the main figure that is calling all the shots. I can see that alot of angry hurt people would sit around making up lies but (let the reader use discernment) with my personal experience with these people sometimes it is hard to tell what is fabrication and honest ovbservation.

  • larc

    JanH, I agree with all of your points, and have tryed to make this points myself, at times, but not all in one place as you have. Nice essay. Devon, You said, that counselors use the term "Mind Control." I don't think for counselors to use that term has any value. No one controls another's mind. A person can allow others to do their thinking for them, but that is their choice, at least at some level of awareness. Perfection Seeker, you just used the term brain washed. Why? As JanH pointed out, it is an inappropriate term. JWs engage in heavy indoctrination, not brain washing.

  • Farkel


    Thanks for clarifying.

    : He used pyramids much later to support his Bible chronology. Yet at least once a week I run into a JW opposer who argues that Russell got his chronology solely from pyramids.

    I didn't ask if you thought that Russell got his chronology "solely" from pyramids. I (basically) asked if you doubted that he justified his chronology using the pyramids.

    He did, of course.


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