Do you know what it means to be a JW? Do your research. Because that's what you're going to have to be in order to have this girl. If she says no you don't have to be, then be prepared to be hounded your entire life by her as well as others to join.
No blood transfusions if your child is born a blue baby, or your wife is bleeding out in childbirth or any of you are in a bad car accident and need blood or you develop some condition that requires blood products.
No Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, Cinqo de Mayo, etc, etc.
Spending most of your free time attending conventions, assemblies, meetings, and going door to door in field serve-us. They are discouraging 'the sisters' not to marry unless the men are a Ministerial Servant or an Elder so be prepared to reach for these 'privileges' (aka work more for them for free).
Shunning disfellowshipped JWs including family and not having much to do with non-JW family.
Unquestioning loyalty to an organization with a flawed set of doctrines.
Have you researched the origins of the Bible? That might also be a wise idea.