I have wasps (yellow jackets) nesting in behind the light next to my front door. I haven't had a lot of door knockers this year. Hmmm... I wonder why.
Posts by Heaven
WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
Some excellent comments made on this thread.
Listener said: They are now stumbling around in the dark. They have no oil left in their lamps because they used it all on their false dates.
They keep using the phrase 'the light is getting brighter' when they change their doctrines but in reality, it's getting dimmer and dimmer.
FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) tactics don't work on me. They have the opposite anticipated affect, actually. Kinda like this:
I need more faith so I've been told
by hoser ini attended the circus assembly last weekend and i have come to the conclusion i am lacking faith.
the opening talk on the program, the very first words that came out of the speakers mouth told me so.
he said most of us here are lacking faith even though we might not know it.
So my husband got a letter
by Lost his mind inso, he received a letter that i am wondering if it is one of those open letters that are out there to denote time given.
it starts out with the name of the person sending it, then goes into the spiel...do you know our god's name?
when i was shown what it is, i kind of got upset.
"Wasn't he called 'El' (pronounced Ale) before Yahweh?"
Joe Grundy said: Yes, of course. That's why JWs and many others call their buildings 'Bethel' = The House of God.
And why Israel is called Isra-el.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
On a natural level it is reproduction, growth, and survival. On a more philosophical level at least from a homo sapien viewpoint, I would say 'To Be Happy'.
May 22 1969 Awake!
by zeb in"if you are a young person you need to face the fact you will never grow old in this system of things.. why not?
because all the evidence in fulfilment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years...as a young person you will never fulfil any career that this system offers".
may 22 awake!
It doesn't make them look good to remove it and it doesn't make them look good that they wrote it. I have my parent's Awake! 1969 bound volume. That statement is definitely in there.
It is also in many other archives of JW material.
The 1975 hype was strong back then. There were JWs who quit their jobs and sold their houses anticipating Armageddon's arrival and the aftermath of a Paradise Earth.
Armageddon and Paradise Earth are Botchtower's whip and carrot methodology. Without the imminence of Armageddon and the promise of a Paradise Earth, what is the incentive to be a JW?
So my husband got a letter
by Lost his mind inso, he received a letter that i am wondering if it is one of those open letters that are out there to denote time given.
it starts out with the name of the person sending it, then goes into the spiel...do you know our god's name?
when i was shown what it is, i kind of got upset.
Wasn't he called 'El' (pronounced Ale) before Yahweh? Not really sure why this creep keeps changing his name... oh wait .... isn't this what criminals do to avoid the authorities?
What's Is The Goal Of This Religion?
by pale.emperor inwhat's is the goal of this religion?.
i mean, if it's for money they could do a lot more like other religions do: tithing, paying for prayers from the gb, selling "miracles", selling "blessed" items, selling courses.. if its for power then what are they hoping to do with that power?
they dont seem to do anything.
Remain alive 'til 1975! ... hahaha
How Will Armageddon Begin?
by Cold Steel inand how long will it last?
and who will come after that, yahweh, as the old testament says or jesus, as the new testament says?
the scriptures say he'll come to the mount of olives, but surely that's a spiritual mount of olives.
Jeez, Outlaw, I just about choked on my coffee. That is awesome.
Mrs. Flipper
Yes, I was quite impressed with the varied and colourful clown outfits in that pic.
As for Armageddon's arrival... each of us will have our own individual Armageddon when our physical life ends here on Earth. As for some kind of global event initiated by God/Jesus ... Ain't. Eva. Gonna. Happen.
My Brother Called Me Yesterday...
by pale.emperor inmy brother isn't a witness but he was raised one like we all were.
after 15 years living his own life he decided about a year ago to have a bible study.
this being the case, as a non baptized witness he can still speak to me but he's getting a lot of pressure not to from elders and the rest of my family.
PE said: He rang me again today. He asked what he thought our dad would think if he were alive today and me being disfellowshipped, and asked do I think he'd talk to me.
Just to be Captain Obvious here for a moment... your bro is definitely having doubts about this religion.