Posts by Heaven
Anionted mom says Jehovah may ask her to kill all her family!!
by Witness 007 inyes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving god jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old grandchild during messed up are these crazy people!!?
"Ignorance is not just inconvenient, it's dangerous." - Eric Ladizinsky -
Science my son and I.
by The Rebel ina recent o.p origins of the universe bought home to me with ovbious clarity that i have no scientific background.
this realization was rather embarrassing for myself to admit, particularly as my child of 11 has began asking some rather intersting questions on scientific matters.
anyway i have subscribed to " scientific america" because i find it a great magazine for those with no scientific background.
YouTube also has a lot of good Science videos. The original "Cosmos" with Carl Sagan can be found there. Also check out James Burke's "Connections" series.
Edited to add: Even as an adult I also enjoyed the children's Science shows "Beakman's World" and "Bill Nye the Science Guy".
If I recall correctly, Farkel told us once he had COPD. That is not a pleasant condition to live with. It is chronic and progressive. I know because my Mom had it and died from it.
How Dangerous are Blood Transfusions really?
by TheWonderofYou inthis is a report about the successful implementation of the patientbloodmanagent in germany and prof. zacharowski as well as the business trip of his life with shocking facts about transfusions in his bag..
this year 2016 president obama and vice biden awarded german physicians prof. kai zacharowski with humanitarian award for patient safety.
the patient safety movement foundation set the goal to massively reduce the number of preventable deaths of hospital patients worldwide by 2020.
Religion, which is based on mythology, needs to stay out of peoples' bedrooms and medical treatments.
What was the biggest hypocrisy you have seen while a witness?
by HereIgo ini have far too many to name, however, i have noticed obscene music, cussing, lying and secretive gambling to name a few.
A guy in my parent's previous congregation raped his daughter repeatedly while she was growing up. He is still a JW in good standing.
my story (part 2)
by Jason Melita ina little background, both my parents are from very large families ( i have over 70 first cousins).
so i have always felt very fortunate to have something to do with my wordly family maybe twice a year to spend a few days with my grandparents on my fathers side, who are the two most wonderful people i have known ( grandad is a devout roman catholic) grandma i honestly don't think gives a shit lol.
as you could guess my sister and little brother blame association like this as good reasons why i never went with the organisation.
Jason said: yeh I was. I was also lucky not to have gotten baptised.
Yes! This is key. I cannot stress enough the importance of remaining UNBAPTIZED . NEVER get baptized into this religion. E-V-E-R!
Me and my brothers were never baptized so the Borg had no real stance/power to say our parents should be shunning us. The Borg did try to get them to 'kick their unbelieving family to the curb'. But blood is thicker than religious hurtful clap-trap. At times, our parents didn't treat us nicely, but at least we weren't 100% shunned.
Inevitable Life - Video
by cofty invery interesting lecture and q&a session by professor eric smith of the santa fe institute.
in his discussion of the primacy of energy there is a lot of overlap with the ideas of nick lane of university college london.
if you still think abiogenesis had something to do with "primordial soup" you should invest half an hour to watch this.. ....
Thank you for posting this cofty. I may have to view it more than once also. He went a bit fast for this getting-older-when-I-wasn't-supposed-to person. I thought this image was very interesting. Religion makes out like we are da-bomb of all species when we are just one small spec in the giant dichotomy on this Earth. Also, why doesn't the Bible mention bacteria? They are fundamental to life on this planet and a very key part of ensuring materials are re-purposed back into more life. And they were here long before plants, animals and fungi.
ls homosexuality really normal?
by atomant inl know animals do it but their animals.they dont live by a moral code.the thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.what are your thoughts?.
Counting time
by Emma ini may not have put this in the correct spot, but i do think it's scandalous the way time gets counted now.
i've seen a cart at the edge of our farmer's market, never anyone close enough to talk.
yesterday was a drizzly day and there were two carts set up, covered in plastic, "witnessing" on their own.
And to add to what Sir82 said... counting time is a mechanism to browbeat the members - a tool to Control. It is part of the FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) methodology to have power over the peons.
Counting time
by Emma ini may not have put this in the correct spot, but i do think it's scandalous the way time gets counted now.
i've seen a cart at the edge of our farmer's market, never anyone close enough to talk.
yesterday was a drizzly day and there were two carts set up, covered in plastic, "witnessing" on their own.
It would appear that Jehovah's Chariot has slammed into reverse.