Anything not produced by the Borg is suspect. My Father looked very suspiciously at my Hobby Farms Home magazine as if the demunz were about to ooze right out of it:
My Father also called the Dictionary 'worldly' with a tone of disdain.
can jws read publications by other churches?
or by atheists?
i've always heard these are apostate materials.
Anything not produced by the Borg is suspect. My Father looked very suspiciously at my Hobby Farms Home magazine as if the demunz were about to ooze right out of it:
My Father also called the Dictionary 'worldly' with a tone of disdain.
it's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
Interestingly, my cousin, who hasn't contacted me in over 7 years, just out of the blue sent me an email about a month ago. He knew my Dad wasn't well 7 years ago as he was the one who emailed me back in 2009 that something wasn't right with Dad. Then nothing until now. He is a born in like me. Maybe ... just maybe the re-branding is part of why he contacted me.
Their videos are crap. Lots of doctrinal bs too. The blood policy nonsense is a big one for our family.
Anyone who has been in the Borg at least since the '60s has got to know something isn't right here. Where the f*ck is Armageddon?!! Fifty plus years ain't "imminent" ... it's not even "soon".
Well, there is a lot of violence in it for sure. It's certainly not a book for kids.
There are many people who have lived full and productive lives past, present, and will in the future without ever having read the Bronze and Iron Age Middle Eastern desert dwellers' book of fantasies. Heck most modern day Christians haven't read it either.
I would suggest there are far more fun and productive things to do than discuss a book of stories written and compiled by people who never met the Jewish apocalyptic rabbi they decided to deify.
several months ago i approached a nice young couple who were standing by a jw literature stand in my local community.
they were pleasant and polite but incredibly stilted when it came to answering my "innocent" questions about their beliefs.
this was the occasion of jws featuring the article headlined "is religion dying?".
My Dad was a baptized witness for 25+ years after he retired. He never once convinced anyone to join the Borg. Outside of the fact that he wasn't a trained sales person, I have to go with the next obvious point... the product just isn't desirable.
nathan, outlaw.....all of you hilarious people...this means you!
i believe in humor as an effective way to bring attention to an important topic.
humor has made many people aware of the true nuttiness of the jw cult in the past (sign language masturbation video—went viral).. amazon allows humorous reviews and even showcases them.
I still have my copy of this book. I remember reading it and thinking they heap all the sexual properness responsibility on the girls. It pissed me off.
nathan, outlaw.....all of you hilarious people...this means you!
i believe in humor as an effective way to bring attention to an important topic.
humor has made many people aware of the true nuttiness of the jw cult in the past (sign language masturbation video—went viral).. amazon allows humorous reviews and even showcases them.
Rebel, I just read that review for the "Your Youth" book. It's hilarious!
several months ago i approached a nice young couple who were standing by a jw literature stand in my local community.
they were pleasant and polite but incredibly stilted when it came to answering my "innocent" questions about their beliefs.
this was the occasion of jws featuring the article headlined "is religion dying?".
the direct quote (from an elder) was: "breaks are the best part of field service".
You know there's something wrong when... question about anything and get a straight answer, what would it be?
historical, philosophical, theological, eschatological, anything.
What is the definition of 'soon'?
1. three jw ladies, standing on the avenue along the beach here in sunny, warm fortaleza, ceará (brazil)2. two jw guys sitting on a bench doing the same as the ladies in pic 13. let's see how productive they are being doing this urgent, life-saving work.
Funchback said: Anyway, not once have I received even a smile or a head nod. It's not because I'm "apostate" because they don't know me or my history.
FB, your area sounds quite busy. Definitely busier than mine in small town rural Ontario. I am not sure they really want to talk to people. I wonder how many cart attendants actually believe or feel comfortable with what they are pseudo promoting.
They aren't knocking on my door. I work from home full time. They aren't doing door-to-door here.
it's great that the following is officially mentioned in the royal commission's report:.
when asked if the governing body members saw themselves as ‘jehovah god’s spokespeople on earth’, mr geoffrey jackson answered that it ‘would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using’.
mr jackson’s response seems to be inconsistent with the documentary evidence before the royal commission, which shows that jehovah’s witnesses believe that the governing body is the ‘channel’ by which jehovah’s ‘will’ is communicated to them..
Mr Jackson’s response seems to be inconsistent with the documentary evidence before the Royal Commission, which shows that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Governing Body is the ‘channel’ by which Jehovah’s ‘will’ is communicated to them.