Posts by Heaven
Jehovah's Wonderous Creation - The Guinea Worm
by pale.emperor inyou're not likely to see this in an awake!
magazine, but here goes.
for those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:.
Not one visit, 8 years in a nursing home, and not one visit!
by Raymudas Martini inmy dad{rip}, was a faithful jw since the year i was born, i'm 60, he died 2 years ago.
his last 12 years were spent in an assisted living/nursing home right in the small town where he spent the last 8 years of being an elder/pioneer.
when he went into the home, one brother would visit him regularly, but after 4 years, that friend moved away, and visitation from the locals ceased, for 8 years!!!!!!!
In 2011, my Dad moved in with me for 14 months. He has dementia. He told me he didn't want me telling the people of his congregation where he was. An elder and his wife have my home phone number (um, yeah, I still have a land line) and my email. Years ago I 'unpublished' my home number (I pay for this service). So no one can get my address via my phone number.
In 2012, I had to put my Dad in a nursing home. Once again, when I asked him if he wanted me to tell the brothers and sisters where he was, he said "No."
Isn't that telling, folks.
Now I'm Convinced There Probably Is No God
by pale.emperor inyesterday i made a visit to the museum in my city.
the top floor is the planetarium, which has a connecting room with a huge dome ceiling where they project lessons and lectures and you have a 360 view of the night sky etc.. this particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
and then we learned about each planet, some of their moons and the sun.
pale.emperor said: This particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
Some of my fave websites are Nasa's. Their Kepler Mission has so far discovered 20 other candidate planets, besides Earth, in the habitable zone of stars ( nine which have been previously investigated and determined to be verified planets, including notables like Kepler-62f, Kepler-186f, Kepler-283c, Kepler-296f and Kepler-442b.
Knowing that amino acids, the building blocks of proteins/life, have been found in meteorites that have landed on Earth, it is not a far reach at all to conclude life could very well exist elsewhere in our Universe.
Now I'm Convinced There Probably Is No God
by pale.emperor inyesterday i made a visit to the museum in my city.
the top floor is the planetarium, which has a connecting room with a huge dome ceiling where they project lessons and lectures and you have a 360 view of the night sky etc.. this particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
and then we learned about each planet, some of their moons and the sun.
From Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" series, his 'Pale Blue Dot' segment is very eloquent and intellectually honest:
Jehovah's Wonderous Creation - The Guinea Worm
by pale.emperor inyou're not likely to see this in an awake!
magazine, but here goes.
for those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:.
Leaving the jws is a "lifestyle choice" according to a counsellor
by purrpurr inso i had my first appointment with a counsellor, of course i explained about being a born in jw, mentally leaving, the penalty of doing so and therefore the mental strain of pretending to be someone i'm not.
her response was that she couldn't help me with that because leaving a cult was a "lifestyle choice".
i tried to say to her that its a cult not a religion and how it brain washed me but no.
In my Father's case, it was not. His fronto temporal lobe dementia made the choice.
Jehovah's Wonderous Creation - The Guinea Worm
by pale.emperor inyou're not likely to see this in an awake!
magazine, but here goes.
for those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:.
Evidently, subSaharans need to follow the instructions at Leviticus 13:1-46. (And you wonder why I'm an atheist? )
Feb. 2017 "Who is Leading God's People Today?"
by Saethydd ini know that i am not by any means the first person to take note of this article, but today i finally got around to reading it.
i quickly found the now infamous line "the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
" in the interest of fairness, however, i decided to finish the paragraph, which led me to finish the lesson.
Saethydd said: The first thing that jumps out at me is the use of the word "Clarified." I am no English Professor, but I know and have confirmed through research that to clarify something means to "to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity."
Botchtower is notorious for using words inappropriately. They love the word 'Evidently' too. It's a thing cults do. They give new, special meanings to otherwise previously defined words and club their members over the head with them. I guess it makes them feel all special or something. It's starting to really annoy me that my workplace is now doing this.
by midnight inwhat happens if you openly declare you are an aethiest, i don't mean go round forcing my view on everyone , but when pressured to go to the kingdom hall etc you stated you are an aethiest and no longer believe in god , surely you can't be accused of apostasy as you simply don't believe in anything ?
anyone experienced this ?.
If you declare this to anyone religious, be prepared for them to try and convince you that you are wrong, a blasphemer, that "you're going to burn for that" aka you'll be judged and punished, and ultimately "I'll pray for you" (which in my experience, so far, hasn't worked from any of them that said they'd do that for me ). Then, most of them either avoid you, or don't talk about religion around you.
My Dad wants to study with me
by BlackWolf inso my parents continue to pester me about getting baptized.
the other day my dad told me that i was old enough to make a decision, and was wondering why i wasn't ready (assembly is in a few weeks) so i told him calmly that i have many doubts and if i were to get baptized it has to be 100 percent my idea.
he was a little annoyed by this, and now wants to study the "is there a creator that cares about you" book (which is complete bs) with me.
Hi Black Wolf... have you created your Art Portfolio yet?
Edited to add: Do NOT get baptized. Move out if you have to.