My Mom became very ill in the 1990s. She developed COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This is a chronic, ie never gets better, and progressive, ie gets worse over time until you die from it, disease.
My Dad had to look after her. She had this disease for 11 years. Dad had been pio-sneering and worked something like 60 hours a week for them (he was retired from his job at this point) but had to stop because he suddenly had to take on a lot of extra duties since Mom was no longer able to look after the household.
All the elders did from this religion is hound my Dad to do the Field Serve-Us. No one came to help him from his congregation.
This religion shoots its wounded. It is a religion of mandatory performance. They want and need able-bodied, able-minded people only, and yet what they ultimately produce are disable minded, disable bodied people. My Mom is a prime example. I watched this religion suck her personality and individuality slowly from her, much like the Dementors from Harry Potter. It was heartbreaking to watch/experience.