Even before I got fully awake I didn't feel it proper to public reproof let alone Df. There was always something I could pick on in supporting my arguments mainly due to the cases I couldn't avoid handling were those that were self confessed. That was a plus. I also had the watchtower on determining weakness and wickedness (as if!) then later when I woke up the arguments that only if the person was a practicer. So due to who in the body you have in the j. C. We at times would have to meet again after considering the case for a week.
However, there was one case of a youth who got involved in an immoral act and confessed to the body. But despite all the effort it all went south. The new elder and I voted private reproof. The third elder got worked up and claimed that the person had received prior counsel about association and should be disfellowshipped. Saying if we didnt think so he would include a letter to the branch expressing his view and we were being linient since it was an elders child. Boy was he worked up! We arranged for another meeting.
By next meeting, new elder had been convinced by worked up elder to vote for disfellowshipping. MAJORITY won! That person now years later has never returned.
Found out later that the bully elder had had hard feelings towards this youth prior due to some business venture!
So... There you have it, I hope. Sad but it shouldn't be left to a few humans to decide on such a life destroying judgement.