Ha, - Donny:
apparently = 4026
from jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
Ha, - Donny:
apparently = 4026
imagine the best case scenario.
the watchtower society implodes from within even making final printed admissions that it is voluntarily dismantling it's mission and legally dissolving the corporations.
oh happy day!
With tears and hugs.
But I suspect they would view it as "judgement starting with the house of God" scenario. I can imagine a group reforming and publishing Isaiah Part III - "Restoration Soon".
just another log on the "generation" fire....... i was researching the term "generation x" and its basically agreed upon that it is a term used for the group born between 1961 to 1981.. the generation before that in the usa, called the "baby boomers" was slightly shorter.. what is interesting is that gen x is also referred to in the usa as the 13th generation - counting back to the founding of the country in the 1770's.. so, again...... why is the wt telling us that a generation can span for decade after decade, crossing centuries???????.
"the watchtower - confusing the hell out of you since 1877!
Generation X overlaps with both generation Y and W. In some instances it overlaps with generations v and z as well. In the meantime, how good it would be to use the remaining time before generation A to preach.
from jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
According to the WT CD-Rom
Evidently = 4,571
Logically = 635
"reasonable to conclude/think/believe" = 299
"Really then" = 125
i have seen these words/phrases used frequently by the wtbs and rarely elsewhere.
** warning, this may become a barf inducing list.
your mileage may vary.. faithful and discreet slavefield servicemodern day antediluvians (pulled that one out of my hat)what words or phrases strike you as uniquely "watchtower"?.
"it is reasonable to conclude"
This means, there's no evidence for this idea and we can't even twist a scripture to support it, but this is now what you believe.
most witnesses never could explain exactly who the "faithful slave" was (according to the society's explanation).
the resurection of the sodomites was another bewildering thing.
were they or weren't they going to be resurrected?
Birthdays, and anything to do with Cedar Point Ohio.
That's brilliant! Thankyou.
from jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
...So, evidently, it is reasonable to conclude that the generation who saw the generation who saw 1914 form a compsite generation. As a class, this composite generation, therefore, see every part of the composite sign of the last days. Rightly could Jesus say 'this generation will by no means pass away'. Logically we can thus be assured that the loving provision of annointed ones to lead God's organisation on earth will continue through the fast-approaching Great Tribulation and on into the long awaited fulfilment of the paradisaic promise...
Oh boy.
new songbook - removing all the old teachings and anything saying new world or new order.
no more bookstudies - (so no small indepedent comments, only brief congregationwide so not much discussion).
bible reading talk can 'read' only, no introduction or conclusion - again not allowing any input or thought.
They'll end up making eveything 'a conscience matter', but if you make the wrong choice you'll be deemed to have disassociated yourself. I really hope we can find a legal way around that one.
I expect further simplification. The mid-week meeting needs rejigging, it's too much. Book study, TMS and service meeting shoehorned into 1hr 45. It feels frantic. I wouldn't be surprised if talk 3 or 4 is cut. Also, there's no need for some brother to read a chapter of the bible reading if the highlights are done well. In my cong the bible reading is usually given to a kid or someone who can't read well, or someone for whom English is not their first language. It's quite often painful to listen to.
I think a more radical change could happen too. Cut the book study altogether and replace it with the JW only Watchtower study. This would have the 'benefits' of
quit background, my good friend left the jw in 2004, divorced his wife cause she was a b*tch and a hard core jw in 2007. he was never df nor did he speak to anybody as to why he left the jw expect for me.
he realized it was all a bunch of crap.
he supports and houses his dad who is old and an elder.
It's possible his ex-wife now wants to be 'scripturally free' and is pushing the elders to tidy up the situation. However 6 years is a long time to be following this up.
If he doesn't want to go the legal letter route he could try and sell them that after 6 years inactivity he is 'not known as a witness in the community' and they should 'hold the matter in abeyance' until if and when he ever wishes to become 'reactivated'.
Would his Dad help him play the elder game?