JoinedTopics Started by Sapphy
Convicted paedophile allowed to grill his victims at Jehovah's Witness meeting
by Sapphy in
oh my goodness, i'm so angry i can't even speak!
"women who complained that former jehovahs witness elder jonathan rose, 40, had molested them as children relived their nightmares in front of him after he was released from jail".
Teenage Jehovah's Witness loses court bid to refuse life-saving blood transfusion
by Sapphy in
interesting verdict, that despite the judge "...noting he was highly intelligent, a "mature minor" and devoted to his faith, the judge also found the boy had been "cocooned in that faith" for his entire life.".
the young man is 18 in 5 months and will be able to refuse treatment after that.
New book "Imitate their faith" aka fantasy bible stories
by Sapphy inthanks atlantis for posting a link to download the new book - i had a quick browse.... .
the book starts off with the now traditional 'letter from the governing body', it goes through the usual stuff re how wonderful the magazines are, how countless people write in to praise the articles etc etc, but it signs off: "with much love and every good wish...".
good wishes eh?
Future NooLight: Let's get prophesying
by Sapphy ini've been thinking about how the governing body now say they are the faithful and discrete slave, and trying to think about how this will play out.. as i understand it, the 15th july wt now says that the fds is identified with the governing body since 1971, and before that with a small group of anointed brothers taking the lead at watchtower hq since 1919.. of course they can't come out and say that the fds before 1971 was the wt board of directors because for a few years in the late 1940s hayden covington was both on the board of directors, and he was vice pres of the wt society too.
hayden covington was not anointed and never claimed to be.
he was 'other sheep' through and through.. .
The Watchtower Society actually WANTS witnesses to take blood.
by Sapphy inshocking?
hear me out.. acts 15v29 "blah blah blah... abstain from blood".
for years the millions of jehovah's witnesses worldwide have been fed stories of "brave witnesses" who "fought to stay true to their convictions" by refusing blood transfusion.
Study WT June 2012 - we are living in the days of the 7th head!!!
by Sapphy inwell, it's officailly in print now.
the 10 toes of the statue have no significance.. that was worth going to last summer's covention to find out wasn't it!.
i'm fading and still attend some meetings, so i'm still fluent in current theocrapic pure language, but read this quote from the new wt and see if it doesnt scream freaky deaky cult at you.
Hey gang - was anyone else at Twickenham this year?
by Sapphy inpm me if you feel more comfortable.. i was there friday, saturday & sunday for family and friends.
cant say i listened to it all tho!
- although i did listen to the last "exciting" talk with the new toe light, and the obligatory beware of apostate talks.... .
Help - can anyone remember re:covenants?
by Sapphy inhi all,.
i have some memories as a kid of sitting through some reallllly long watchtowers about the various covenants in place, or replaced etc.. i'm having trouble remembering the precise difference between the 'new covenant' and the 'kingdom covenant' or 'covenant for a kingdom'.. i remember one had 144,000 members and one had 144,001 members and it was very important .
i've had a quick search on the cd rom but it's not clear & i can't find those study articles.... can anyone help?.
(If you ever were) Was getting DF'ed a relief? Did you lose patience with 'the fade'?
by Sapphy ini was wondering about this.. i'm doing a slow fade, i don't want to lose friends and family - but it's frustrating.
wasting time going to meetings etc when my heart and head isn't in it anymore.
it feels like a game played by everyone elses rules but mine.
Change the title of a WT book to reflect its meaning
by Sapphy inyoung people ask - answers that work to repress.. the subject-to-change truth that leads to eternal life.
keep yourselves in gods love - by following 1950s morality.
any more?