I bet when the bros opened the damn thing, it looked CREEPY inside!!! (My crazy a.. cousin, who is a prsn-of-intrst, made a jokey senario that the pyramid was removed from that plot and thrown in the ocean where the Titanic now lays dormant---nuts, huh?) Anyways, still CREEPY!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by friday77
were you at Russels grave?
by Albert Einstein inanybody of you got the chance to visit russels pyramid grave?.
is it true it is at freemasons cemetery?.
is it public, or only freemasons are buried there?.
The C.T. Russell pyramid
by Nathan Natas ini wrote this thinking that maybe some of our new folks would enjoy it, but i think i may have given the posting a bad or misleading subject line, because it has been little read and not commented on at all.
tell me how much the story sucks, and why it sucks as much as it does.
si vous plait.
Still no disrespect, but this is an artifact that is still CREEPY!! (It looks like it would be used in a horror flick--still no offense!)
The C.T. Russell pyramid
by Nathan Natas ini wrote this thinking that maybe some of our new folks would enjoy it, but i think i may have given the posting a bad or misleading subject line, because it has been little read and not commented on at all.
tell me how much the story sucks, and why it sucks as much as it does.
si vous plait.
No disrespect to anyone re: the above--all of this is VERY CREEPY! (BEYOND CREEPY!!!!!!) In fact, each time one of my family members sees a pic of this thing, we yell at him to minimize the photo! What were they thinking back then?!!
Remember the clean rooms at the KH
by greenhornet ini am not sure if this topic is in the right place but.......... back when i was "in" i remember some kingdom halls had clean rooms that were for poeple that were alergect to every thing.. do they still have them.
(also they had them at the conventions also).
There was about 16 years or so ago, in a KH 3 counties over of a C.O.'s wife who had to placed in a clean room setting. However, one of the elder
's wives was so perturbed about this that she deliberately came near with an opened perfume bottle and poured some of it on her back when she was sitting down
!! 3 of the friends were shocked and astonished by this sister's action. The C.O.'s wife started to weese deeply and they had to take her out of the KH. The elder's wife? She claimed and feigned innocence and begged pardon. This sister (elder's wife) later on was reproved for adultry and the elder remarried. The C.O. and his wife are now still pioneering on the infirm list in another state, or so I've been told.
Did You Personally Know Any JWs That Were Sexually Molested By Other JWs?
by minimus ini knew of a handful (which is too many) that were molested by a jehovah's witness.
it was not typical in my experience.
what about you???.
I know of 3 past situations:
1. a young bro who molested his nieces, nephews, and 4 neighborhood children over a period of 16 years! His guardians knew that he did this (the male guardian studied on and off; the female guardian was d&b, but was inactive for sometime). His fostermother (the female guardian) verbally scolded him and pleaded with the parents and guardians of the 4 neighborhood children to drop the situation. She also totally ignored and was in denial regarding the abused relatively, and strongly lamented to the aunts and uncles in defense of her foster son. The fosterfather beat him (he was sent to the hospital with a few cuts and bruises); the fostermother begged her husband to stop and sheilded this bro away from him. The parents/guardians of all decided to let this all go (this happened back in the mid-80's). He (the bro.) was put in a coma for 6 months, came out of it a vegetable [1 person of interest, and another delinquent person told a number of us that 1 woman and another elderly man got in an altercation with him, pushed him down an alley and he fell and was left for few hours, until an elderly lady with a dog who they said was homeless found him].
2. in a KH with many bethelites in it, an older bro. (about in his 50's) was coming up behind many of the single sisters (Between the ages of 14 and 20) and breathing on their necks and shoulders. Startled, the sisters would look back askanced. He would make the excuse that he saw something (i.e., a bug) crawling on them, or that a collar was out of place, etc. 3 sisters got fed up with his actions, went to the P.O. and told on him. The P.O. angrily and vehemently accused them of slandering him, "He's really trying, since he's been deleted 3xs before! How dare you say that about him! You're wrong! ALL OF YOU!!!" Two of the sisters ran away in tears. The 3rd one, got mad and stormed off in a huff, and
muttered that he did do what he did. (She later told me herself of this horrid experience). This abusive bro. later died of cancer 6 years later (survived by a wife who was d&b and an RP); the P.O. I hear was deleted to an elder in name only; someone said he was later deleted and possibly left BETHEL, but don't quote me here on this portion of this deplorable experience.
AND 3. An elder in another county (about in his60's) made himself and another MS (like a sidekick of his) like a "guardian ad lideum" to a number of the young people, including the sisters and a few young bros. He would actually (esp. in the field) rub and stroke the necks/shoulders/backs of them all. He even took some of these to financial institutions, "I'm helping the young folks here in the truth to get financial advice, so that they could do this as a means to an end spiritually; this'll help them to progress spiritually for other higher privileges of service!" His sidekick enthusiastically agreed. One evening he came to a building that an older couple had that housed 12 young bros and sis. and wanted to take the younger ones of the group (all ranged in ages of 17-28; with the exception of 4, all the others were transplants--the 4 were "townies") in an unmarked van with his sidekick to go for a ride one Saturday evening in the late spring. The 6 younger ones were the ones he asked about. 3 wanted to go, but the other 3 plus 2 of the older ones were quite unsure.
The 6, thankfully, decided not to go. The 2 older ones mentioned to the older sister and her elderly mother that this 6 would not be going with these bros. The bros then started an argument which turned out into a screaming match with the older sister, her elderly mother, a nephew (who used to study) and a neighbor next door that came by because the van looked suspicious to him--it was quite disheveled and rusted looking. These bros then ubruptly stormed off out of the building, got in the van and quickly sped off. The next day, Sunday, the MS couldn't even look at the group of young people, nor at the elderly sister. The elder did not even attend that day. This elder (about 9 years later) was deleted--mostly due in part of a relative who lived in his home who torched a few items in a vacant lot and was prosecuted for it. The MS was deleted and left the state. Some say this MS wanted to in his new congregation to get his MS privileges back, but the elders said his
"ways and demeanor" as well as what they were told by a new set of elders in his former congregation via the C.O. made them feel hesitant and leary about appointing him.Sorry for this "encyclopedia" of horrible experiences, but that's what I so far have been told.
Some Single Sisters' Problems with Brothers
by friday77 infirst of all, i'm a newbie to this site, so i hope that there will be some response to my thread on this particular topic (which i have plenty to relate about).. i wonder why some single (and a few married) brothers in the org have shown a great deal of disrespect for single sisters?
i am bringing this issue up because not only myself but also my sisters [i have four (4) other in my immediate family] along with 3 of my cousins (who have been dedicated and baptized since adolescent age) plus my own close girlfriends have experienced being gossiped/slandered by a host of brothers who think that they are "all that" and jah's gift to women on planet earth!
as a matter fact, when one brother in particular [whose uncle is an elder, brother was a regular pioneer/temporary worker at bethel and cousin was a ministerial servant] at a nicely-populated gathering saw myself, two (2) of four sisters, one of cousins and a few of my close friends being approached as well as introduced to a number of handsome, well-dressed brothers to us via two (2) of the family members whom hosted the event.
Hello, everybody!
I have been reading everyone's response to this thread and I do agree wholeheartedly on how the rank and file of the org has been set up! This issue (amongst quite a few others) has been a botherment for me and some of my family members, in that some are considering staying in the org and some are thinking about leaving. . . . . It is really sad that their are class distinctions regarding race, gender, financial status, and even lookism in this faith; and I, for one, have been depressed for sometime pertaining to all of it. In fact, one of my cousins who reside in NYC knows of a number of "friends" who are seeking therapy/counselling for these very same reasons. It really comes to the point where a person, who is very concerned about his or her's own spirituality, cannot trust in "earthly men", but only in Jah!
{A P.S. to scott77: Sorry! I have been MIA, due to a family/spiritual crisis; howwever, thanks for your sending me a PM. I appreciate it.}
Will talk again soon guys,
friday 77
Some Single Sisters' Problems with Brothers
by friday77 infirst of all, i'm a newbie to this site, so i hope that there will be some response to my thread on this particular topic (which i have plenty to relate about).. i wonder why some single (and a few married) brothers in the org have shown a great deal of disrespect for single sisters?
i am bringing this issue up because not only myself but also my sisters [i have four (4) other in my immediate family] along with 3 of my cousins (who have been dedicated and baptized since adolescent age) plus my own close girlfriends have experienced being gossiped/slandered by a host of brothers who think that they are "all that" and jah's gift to women on planet earth!
as a matter fact, when one brother in particular [whose uncle is an elder, brother was a regular pioneer/temporary worker at bethel and cousin was a ministerial servant] at a nicely-populated gathering saw myself, two (2) of four sisters, one of cousins and a few of my close friends being approached as well as introduced to a number of handsome, well-dressed brothers to us via two (2) of the family members whom hosted the event.
Thank you everyone (loosie, scarred for life, penny2, B the X, scott77, TOTH, and no more kool aid) for your responses along with the warm welcome!! My friends and family members (both jws and nws) have mentioned on more than one occasion how this is mysoginism (I'm not sure of the spelling of this word); and that by displaying this type of attitude can actually become a stumbling block to others (newbies, in particular) in the org. Unfortunately, actions such as these are being tolerated.
Furthermore, although we are all imperfect, I know for a fact that a great of nws (some who have studied in the past) and have kin in the org made mentioned that they themselves would not put up with this garbage--as some of the rank and file does and tells some of us to continue to do so! [P.S.: One of my co-wkr's, who was an ex-study, said that her step-son almost punched a bro in the back for disrespecting his stepsister, who was also studying and ceased after a short time a number of years ago.]
Are Interracial Relationships—A Taboo Subject?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
There are some brothers and sisters who have issues with interracial marriages as well as relationships. I, for one, along with one of my siblings, few of my relatives plus a number of close girlfriends have experienced this. Various ones (not only from Bethel/WHQ, but also in a few congs.) have expressed that "life would be extremely difficult for anyone in the org to be hooked up interracilly Think of the children who may come into this wicked world!" This is definitely a load of horse manure!! I know quite a few jws as well as nw's (non-witnesses) who. along with their children; they are not having that so-called extreme difficulty!
Somehow, I think this an ungodly method of controlling the masses for their own personal gains and for people to listen plus follow their own personal opinions--which is what that just is: opinions! Plus, the Apostle Paul has time and time again counseled Christians (within scriptures at both 1 and 2 Thessalonians) ". . . .mind your own business"! Too many busybodies trying gain worship for themselves and pressure others not to worship Jah!! HOW STUPID AND FOOLISH!!
Tell us about the offbeat people you have had in your congregation
by BonaFide inwe had a brother once in my sisters' hall who would preach downtown with old watchtowers and awakes, i mean like 15 year old magazines, and he would sell them above cost.
even after the donation system went info effect, he would still sell them.
the elders tried to talk to him about it, but he could never really have a normal conversation.
One elderly sister (approximately between 75-80 years of age) in a cong. when I was first raised in the truth, was actually running after young Bethelite bros! She would, after field service, travel over to B'klyn Hghts area to watch the Bethelites after 5:00 p.m. and try to walk along with a "a few handsome selective ones" and talk to them--she even gave (according to two Bethelites in my cong. and the neighboring one) her digits (phone number), telling them to "Call me! I'm a bonafide Regular Pioneer!" Plus, she, unfortunately, treated the young sisters (except for the ones whose fathers were Elders) disrespectfully--because she felt that they were all "competition". LOL! How Lame!
Some Single Sisters' Problems with Brothers
by friday77 infirst of all, i'm a newbie to this site, so i hope that there will be some response to my thread on this particular topic (which i have plenty to relate about).. i wonder why some single (and a few married) brothers in the org have shown a great deal of disrespect for single sisters?
i am bringing this issue up because not only myself but also my sisters [i have four (4) other in my immediate family] along with 3 of my cousins (who have been dedicated and baptized since adolescent age) plus my own close girlfriends have experienced being gossiped/slandered by a host of brothers who think that they are "all that" and jah's gift to women on planet earth!
as a matter fact, when one brother in particular [whose uncle is an elder, brother was a regular pioneer/temporary worker at bethel and cousin was a ministerial servant] at a nicely-populated gathering saw myself, two (2) of four sisters, one of cousins and a few of my close friends being approached as well as introduced to a number of handsome, well-dressed brothers to us via two (2) of the family members whom hosted the event.
First of all, I'm a newbie to this site, so I hope that there will be some response to my thread on this particular topic (which I have plenty to relate about).
I wonder why some single (and a few married) brothers in the org have shown a great deal of disrespect for single sisters? I am bringing this issue up because not only myself but also my sisters [I have four (4) other in my immediate family] along with 3 of my cousins (who have been dedicated and baptized since adolescent age) plus my own close girlfriends have experienced being gossiped/slandered by a host of brothers who think that they are "all that" and Jah's gift to women on planet Earth! As a matter fact, when one brother in particular [whose uncle is an elder, brother was a regular pioneer/temporary worker at Bethel and cousin was a Ministerial Servant] at a nicely-populated gathering saw myself, two (2) of four sisters, one of cousins and a few of my close friends being approached as well as introduced to a number of handsome, well-dressed brothers to us via two (2) of the family members whom hosted the event. That stupid *** brother--if you or anyone can call him that--ran over to two of the brothers and whispered some no doubt total lies (i.e.: "yo, man, you can do better than this! Let me tell you all the real deal about these chicks!!", etc.) I am really sick and tired of the way these bros are able to get by with this behavior to the point whereby and whereas they are still being reverred for being males no matter what they do and sisters are being treated by all persons (brothers and sisters) like dirt plus less than zero!
Has anyone experienced similar situations or feel the same way? (Due to this and many other similar situations, some of my siblings, relatives and friends are delinquent in addition to being inactive in the faith.)
Hoping to hear from someone soon on this subject,