ALL YOUR PICS ARE GREAT GUYS..........Orbiting the sun, your dog is so adorable!! So how come my picture didnt work??
I can see it fine, what did I do wrong?? This was the first time ive put a picture on my post, im not all that computer literate.
ok, im bored - really bored.
this is my favorate breed of dog................ whats yours?.
also, are you a cat or a dog person?
ALL YOUR PICS ARE GREAT GUYS..........Orbiting the sun, your dog is so adorable!! So how come my picture didnt work??
I can see it fine, what did I do wrong?? This was the first time ive put a picture on my post, im not all that computer literate.
ok, im bored - really bored.
this is my favorate breed of dog................ whats yours?.
also, are you a cat or a dog person?
It was Englishmans post on pandas that got me started!!!
I bet you hate little doggies too, huh Englishman??
ok, im bored - really bored.
this is my favorate breed of dog................ whats yours?.
also, are you a cat or a dog person?
ok, im bored - really bored. This is my favorate breed of dog...............
Whats yours?
Also, are you a cat or a dog person? why????????
I cant stand cats.
no way that i could live forever if i had to be near those smelly sugary creatures all day.. what part of new world living gives you the creeps?.
Englishman, how do you sleep at night???
no way that i could live forever if i had to be near those smelly sugary creatures all day.. what part of new world living gives you the creeps?.
No way that I could live forever if I had to be near those smelly sugary creatures all day.
I would have to agree with Englishman - I couldnt stand to spend so much time near the Governing Body either!!!
Seriously, Englishman, how the hell can you not like Panda's???!!! They are one of my favorate animals in the world.
On the contrary, I cant wait to live in the "New World", the following reasons would best describe what im looking forward to:
Im originally British, so I look forward to wearing my national costume all day every day. (I have no idea what the British national costume is, but im sure its great and VERY modest.) My husband is Asian though, so it poses the question of whether I should perhaps be flaunting a "Geisha" style look, as I see there are no mixed marriages in the New System depictions. What do you guys think??
I look forward to owning a tiger, a sloth. a giaraffe - I live in Australia, so im sure that they will be fine there with our eco - system and everything, they should be able to adapt to eating eucalyptus leaves or wattle or something like that, thats what animals are best at, after all!!
I look forward to having a chat with all the resurrected ones - those good people that werent dubs, but were given a second chance coz they died - I cant wait to witness to them all day long, explaining where they are, who they are with and convince them over and over that they are not in hell.
Best of all, I cant wait to clean up all those decaying corpses!! Just imagine it! Millions and millions of dead bodies for us to clean and bury - theres going to be some mighty fine teamwork shown there as the brothers and sisters unite together to rid ourselves of those wicked people who gave presents to each other on their birthdays!!
and yes this post is a joke,,, but the content is not,,, i know i am not perfect, but come on!!!!!!
usually ,i look over at the profile and i can let it slide if the person is from sweden or something and english is a second language.
but too many of the times that is not the case
My, thats very gracious of you!! Im glad you can make some provisions for your strict guidelines. I would hate to think that I may not be meeting them!!
Hey Surferdude,
who cares?
those who are not "blacklisted" by the wt, do you often get dubs at your door?
ive been at this address for almost a year and i have never had the pleasure of their witnessing work!
whats going on?
but in keeping up on their propaganda because they have family members that are still JWs.but in keeping up on their propaganda because they have family members that are still JWs.
I understand. I am always still curious to what new material they are putting out. However, last month I reached a kind of revelation in trying to move on from dubism and hurled all my previous dub literiture e.g - Knowledge book, creation book ect.
greetings and salutations, .
this is my very first post and i 've been introduced to this haven by my wife inbetweendays.
i'm looking forward to conversing with you all and sharing views and discussing all things anti-jw.
Thank You for all of your warm welcomes everyone.
those who are not "blacklisted" by the wt, do you often get dubs at your door?
ive been at this address for almost a year and i have never had the pleasure of their witnessing work!
whats going on?
If you want the magazines, I would go where they do street work as ask for the current magazines
Are you kidding? I will never have any dub propaganda material in my home EVER AGAIN!! I was just curious why they havent called, being such "Zealous preachers" and all.
personnally, i thing that the movie "the matrix" and the movie "the truman show" really describe my experience in the wbts.
when i discovered the truth about the "truth", my perception of the reality became really different.
all that i have been taught was just a big lie.
Kevin Spaceys Charactor. (Thats how I felt leaving the borg), like I had been given a second chance at life, like I had just woken up. This is my very, very favorate movie.