woo hoo!! This just show how much ive changed. 2 years ago I did this test and got JW at about no. 3. Now its right at the bottom of the list. I have just one question. What on earth are liberal Quakers??
1. | Liberal Quakers (100%) |
i know i know this as been done before , i fink!
if you haven't taken the test before, give it a go see how far down the list if at all jw is.
woo hoo!! This just show how much ive changed. 2 years ago I did this test and got JW at about no. 3. Now its right at the bottom of the list. I have just one question. What on earth are liberal Quakers??
1. | Liberal Quakers (100%) |
what songs or groups were you forbidden to listen to as a jw?
were any specifically mentioned from the platform or were you counseled not to listen to a certain song?
for me it was the entire def leopard hysteria album - bad heavy metal told it was demonic, i listened to it in secret, silk's "freak me" - a virgin listening to a song about hot sex?
About 8 years ago there was alot of excitement in my local congregations centred around "enigma's" "Sadness". Apparently heaps of dubs had had a rampage of demon attacks from owning this song. There was some talking in the song that was apparently a Satanic Language. Not long ago I bought a compilation CD with this song on it. I listened to the talking. Guess what? It was French! Oh, those dubs!!
what songs or groups were you forbidden to listen to as a jw?
were any specifically mentioned from the platform or were you counseled not to listen to a certain song?
for me it was the entire def leopard hysteria album - bad heavy metal told it was demonic, i listened to it in secret, silk's "freak me" - a virgin listening to a song about hot sex?
The Eagles "Hotel California" was blacklisted amongst the dubs I knew, as it was about a "demonized" hotel WHat music WASNT thrown out by my parents. All of it was chucked. Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, NIN, Tool, Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, Beck, Tori Amos (can you guess what era I grew up in as a teenager?) It used to drive me absolutely crazy.
what's the worst thing you did as a jw?.......for me, it was to help other persons come to love the "organization".
I got trashed one saturday night of the assembly at a club, wasted on drinks and smoked a heap of cigarettes. I was still drunk on the Sunday and threw up in the assembly toilets.
a serious subject.
i finally perused the australian sex offenders online register, just to check and make sure there was no one i knew regestered.
thankfully, there was not.
Hi Everyone,
A serious subject. I finally perused the Australian sex offenders online register, just to check and make sure there was no one I knew regestered. Thankfully, there was not. While doing this, I wondered whether anyone from this forum had investigated the register and discovered any active JW's they knew or had known on it. To tell you the truth after the horrors of the expose' of the cult, I wanted to make sure there was no one I knew or who my parents knew on it. I was thinking how would I deal with it if there was. Has anyone been in this situation, perhaps seen any active Jw's on the site. If so, did you inform or warn any other JW's you cared about? How they deal with it?
This site really depressed me. The cases were truly disgusting.. its sad to look at the pages and pages of monsters.
my husband and myself have decided to go to amsterdam for 10 days in december for the new year.
is anyone on this board from amsterdam, or anywhere in the denmark area?
i need some suggestions on some cool places to go.
Would the answer be Canberra?
Yep. Alot of Non- Australians think Sydney is it's capital.
my husband and myself have decided to go to amsterdam for 10 days in december for the new year.
is anyone on this board from amsterdam, or anywhere in the denmark area?
i need some suggestions on some cool places to go.
.... But maybe she is saying that she is going to visit both places and wants to find friends in both countries?
um... no. I thought the other thing. It was a surprise impulsive decision from my husband, we are meeting friends who are staying there. I have always thought that Amsterdam was the capital of Denmark, but hey, how many of you non - Australians know what the capital of Australia is?
my husband and myself have decided to go to amsterdam for 10 days in december for the new year.
is anyone on this board from amsterdam, or anywhere in the denmark area?
i need some suggestions on some cool places to go.
My husband and myself have decided to go to Amsterdam for 10 days in December for the New Year. Is anyone on this board from Amsterdam, or anywhere in the Denmark area? I need some suggestions on some cool places to go.
what experience at an assembly or convention caused you to raise your eyebrows in disbelief?.
one that comes to mind is a 5 year old conducting several bible studies.
wasn't it hard enough for an adult to get a bible study?
I hated the experiences that were given from the platform. I took my non dub husband to an assembly once where this young girl about 14 or 15 was relating her experiences. She left school in year nine to become a regular pioneer with the encouragement of her parents. He couldnt believe that everyone was applauding. He was completely horrified.
I think all the young teenage dubs used to dread the "pop culture" talk. What latest TV series or band was banned for young dubs. We all used to cringe during that talk.
The dramas are so crap now its unbelievable. I remember when their used to be so much effort put into the things. Cool costumes, dramatic music, only semi - apalling acting. Now its always the same. That bloody paper mache rock they use year after year and that moth eaten wool rug on the ground reprezenting sheep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
1) jw's having wedding receptions at r.s.l.
halls (i know of 2 such weddings where everyone from c.o.
's to r&f were invited).. 2) jw's claiming the dole from centrelink and not looking for work (at all) but going out in field service instead..
1) JW's having wedding receptions at R.S.L. halls (I know of 2 such weddings where everyone from C.O.'s to R&F were invited).
Scandal? Dubs I know have been attending the RSL for years. I know many who are members. And claiming the dole and pioneering? Thats all part of the great Aussie dub lifestyle.