see what i mean? still another insightful, wise post. (try not to feel too good about it (just kidding)
just something light and spiritual i thought of after feeling good about a compliment on a different post.
no offence i & p, thanks for encouragement - i just thought about this teaching, that's all.
most people don't live aware lives.
see what i mean? still another insightful, wise post. (try not to feel too good about it (just kidding)
i'm curious to see if anyone here has any major anxiety disorders and how it affects their lives.
as a semi-confession, i think i may have something of this sort, but i'd like a comparison first.
being a male, i never go to the doctors unless my leg is falling off, so i don't just want to go to a doctor to medicate a problem that could be overcome in other ways.
wow, bang - excellent post! in fact, many of your posts are insightful and intelligent. i printed it out . maybe it will help my loved ones understand it a little more. don't feel bad, ashi. according to the latest issue of time magazine, more americans are suffering from it than ever before.
i have noticed that recently, when we have a visiting brother in our congregation, the speaker will ask him to return our "greetings" to the other congregation, as opposed to our "love".
i vagueley remember a brief announcement a few weeks ago, but i wasn't paying attention.
am i just tripping, or is this widespread?
i was at a meeting at my sister's kingdom hall in february of this year. they kept begging us to come so we went. anyway, they didn't say "love" or "greetings', but after the meeting they all got up and walked around smiling non-stop and hugging each other. except for me and my son. this went on for a good ten minutes. it was very strange. i felt like a leper, lol. he just laughed and said if you take me to a kingdom hall ever again, i'll run away (he was joking of course).
i wonder what's wrong with "love". maybe "greetings" is less threatening
i'm curious to see if anyone here has any major anxiety disorders and how it affects their lives.
as a semi-confession, i think i may have something of this sort, but i'd like a comparison first.
being a male, i never go to the doctors unless my leg is falling off, so i don't just want to go to a doctor to medicate a problem that could be overcome in other ways.
heart racing
breathing rate increases
feeling of being 'closed in'
panic, as if your life is in danger
vertigo or feeling you are about to faint
but if you get this way, tell yourself it will pass. it always does. you are in control, not the anxiety. my problem is i think i might have one and i bring it on myself. so i learned how to not think that way, through the techniques i mentioned earlier.
i'm curious to see if anyone here has any major anxiety disorders and how it affects their lives.
as a semi-confession, i think i may have something of this sort, but i'd like a comparison first.
being a male, i never go to the doctors unless my leg is falling off, so i don't just want to go to a doctor to medicate a problem that could be overcome in other ways.
oh yes. i started suffering from anxiety disorder about a year after i left the 'truth'. i know it was because i had no clue how to live on the outside, on my own. i was almost 18 when i left, then thrust suddenly into the adult world, with adult responsibilities, including school. anyway i used to get heinous panic attacks, until i went to a doctor who told me what it was, and helped me overcome my wts experience, yes i do blame that experience almost 100%. he was a psychiatrist and i spent 6 months with him, then overcame it by way of counseling, behavior modification techniques, and positive thinking and imagery. years went by and i never had another one. i would feel anxiety at times, but knew how to talk to myself to prevent it from becoming a flull-blown panic attack.
and then about 6 months ago my sister contacted me after shunning me for years and i started seeing her again. we had a falling out rapidly because i wouldn't study with her. and i felt the anxiety creeping into my life once more. she and her daughter both suffer from it but are both on meds. i am not. so what am i doing to combat it? i got some subliminal message tapes. these tapes are unbelievably effective. one tape contains subliminal messages (a doctor speaking positive messages to you) set against a backdrop of ocean sounds, rain, or new age music. the other on is a self-hypnosis tape. you listen to it when you are in a twilight state. you totally zone out, and feel as if you are in a state of zen. i mean, totally relaxed. and when you are in an anxiety-producing scenario, instead of getting anxious immediately, you breathe deeply and begin thinking the doctor's messages (which you heard with your subconcious mind) and calm yourself down. this is all involuntary.
it is hard to describe your feelings. the best thing for me was talking to a friend of mine, and learning he has the same problem occasionally. so does his wife. and i found out the woman across the street suffers from it too and it just makes you feel as if you're not alone, and comforts you in a strange way.
but it is very scary and frightening, i know. has some books; one is called "overcoming fears phobia and panic" (i think). it gives you a bunch of steps to do to avoid getting distressed or unduly anxious. my husband travels a lot, especially overseas, which is quite stressful. but i am finding ways to deal with a lot of anxiety that comes from that, and the things i mentioned here have all helped me.
it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of ex-jw's have panic or anxiety disorder. good luck; i mean that sincerely.
this is a request to get some assistance in preparing an estimate of how many jehovah's witness children leave the religion during or after adolescence.
i know the figure is substantial based on my own observations, but we need some way to document it.
please put on your thinking cap and publish your ideas here.
i would make a web page and build a survey form into it, asking specific and detailed questions, such as age and reason, how (df'd or da'd), etc. or check out the census site or other sites similar to that for hints, and plug the information into a spreadsheet. i know you're not specifically seeking why they left, but if you ask that, they might be more willing to share their information with you. and assure them that it would all remain confidential. then just publish your results right there on the web site, in a guestbook or something. i would try to make it easy and fast to use...
(sorry removed formatting that was corrupting the thread)
Edited by - Simon on 16 June 2002 19:30:43
at least we're not that bad!.
yikes - more from this site:
Ministry : telephone witnessing answering machine message example 1 From: asjiah (Original Message) | Sent: 23/05/2002 15:24 |
This I find works nicely to leave on answering machines for the not at homes found, in telephone witnessing. Does anyone have others that work for them. Hello, my name is__________. You don't know me, I'm doing a volunteer work in the area. I'm calling to encourage bible reading. If you would be interested in hearing a bible based public talk, your welcome to do so this Sunday @________ at the kingdom hall of Jehovah Witnesses on_____________. No collections are ever taken and as an obsever, there will be no obligation on your part. Have a nice day and goodbye. |
Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 16 June 2002 22:9:42
if you are still trying to get into exjwsraw: just create a new msn/hotmail account and use that for exjwsraw, you can keep that email hidden from the group.. take care,.
the dustrabbit
okee-dokee. thanks! (you have a cute email address, by the way)
at least we're not that bad!.
For several hours today the group was subjected to abusive, apostate, offensive and pornographic posts and images.
(...and they loved every minute of it!)
now how do they know it was apostates? tsk, there they go with that malicious accusery again
at least we're not that bad!.
I&P's BACK! What's up super freak?!!!!wassup? happy father's day, if you're a daddy that is
hey I&P. Love you. Guess they finally got wise after a couple of hours. The pics are coming down.
oh darn... i was hoping they'd still be there :(
(luv u 2)