From what I recall of the JWs, some talked conservative and hardcore, but didn't necessarily live that way. They came to most of the meetings, they very visibly went out in service, when they went, but in other areas of their lives, they quietly did whatever they pleased. Most of these JWs were born-ins and had obviously found out what worked best when playing the system.
The real hardcore JWs were more vocal about their sometimes ridiculous moral stances (condemnation of certain entertainment and clothing choices especially) and bolstered their personal holiness by criticising others in the congregation for not being as perfect as they considered themselves to be. Nothng like putting others down to make yourself look better. Not that witnesses are the only people who do that...its just that they are no different than the rest of humankind no matter how much they pretend that they are.
For most witnesses, its all about how you look to other people. True moral character, kindness, and love don't really matter...and if those things do matter to the individual, it seems that they either find themselves restricting how much they associate with other witnesses, or they get out of the organization all together.