I happen to be a recent graduate of Life Enrichment Boot Camp. I'm disappointed that your friend hasn't told you a little bit more about the camp, so if you wouldn't mind hearing it from me, I'll be happy to tell you. :)
First, the Boot Camp is not about getting your money. Simply, it is a group of talented, caring people helping others get past the hurt in their lives so they can begin to rebuild relationships and get their lives back on track.
It is *not* some kind of networking scheme. It is not about "sucking in your friends" and getting them into the program. I have several friends that I have recommended the Camp to, not because I'm trying to make money or anything like that. But, because this event has changed my life and I want others to have that same opportunity. I was with a lot of hurting people, myself included, who spent four days in focused, intense drills and exercises and left that event with a completely new outlook on life.
If child care is an issue for you, maybe consider going alone and then your wife can go at a later date. It would be awesome if you could participate together, but it's definitely not required. The schedule is exhausting, absolutely. But, it is necessary for what they are trying to accomplish. You will be challenged mentally and emotionally and will be pushed to look inside yourself to see what really makes you tick.
Finally, regarding the religious message. Yes, the Boot Camp discusses God as a part of several exercises, but never doctrine or dogma, or even religion, really. It's just a matter of a belief in a Higher Power. The religion you have regarding that Higher Power is for you and you alone.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please voice them! I'd be happy to help any way I can. :)
Gerald Saul
PS. Would you be participating in the Boot Camp in Plano, TX?