I meant that mostly tongue in cheek.
But I think we need to delineate the use of force as a form of punishment and as a method to get physical compliance. If the police decide to arrest you, however minor the offense, their non-use of force is dependent on you complying with their instructions. If you resist, even with a non-violent refusal to get in the squad car; they can and will physically compel you to obey. This is not punishment and that comes later.
Similarly, there is spanking as a form of punishment, and there is spanking to get immediate physical compliance. I'm not a big fan of spanking as punishment. Yes, the first few times the anticipation of the spanking is scary, but after awhile it wears off. I know with me personally, the lesson didn't last very long, and many boys really don't blink an eye at getting spanked.
But I do think with some children spanking is the only way to get immediate compliance. Then the punishment comes later as a denial of privileges, etc.