Newborn, please check your PMs
i don't feel i have to know the truth about how life started or where we're coming from etc, but can't help thinking abt it anyway now and then.
guess it's only natural.. right now i feel really clueless and that i have too little knowledge abt the darwin, big bang theory.... (i was always taught by the dubs that darwin questioned his own theory...but was it really so?)..
i have a close friend who's sure of the evolution but can really the complex and wonderful life and nature come abt by chance (even though he says it's not chance...).
Newborn, please check your PMs
wife and i had a bit of a spat about this a few weeks ago.....i blew her mind that i felt like things were so great around us........i guess i only recently understood how dubs think things are so so horrible in daworll around us........i never did...never......i loved school!!
!......damm those were good friends that i lost after graduation......dammit........i am finding a few back on facebook and such.... she and prob most dubs think all else in daworll is soooooo evil.......but in the states i can walk most of it without a care in the neighbors are good people...they care for their fam and friends just like dubs do .......and do not commit crime.
i told wifey that if daworll were sooo evil there would be full prisons about every two miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha... I had an experience today that fits in. I had bible study today and I was talking about my boyfriend (who is also studying) and the study-guy says "Because your boyfriend is studying the bible, he won't do anything wrong or cheat on you."
I wasn't quick enough to reply , but in my head I was thinking... just studying the bible doesn't confer non-cheating qualities on anyone! He wouldn't cheat on me anyway! HAHA... I found it really funny that he thought that way.
Another comment from today's study was - "I'm a man, I'm not gay."
Again, my in-my-head comment was - err... gay guys are men too...
Btw... before everyone gets worried again - I, nor bf, have any intention of becoming JWs. We were just curious about their beliefs. We'll move on to other religions soon enough. We've been reading the Bhagavad Gita too.
they are not your leaders!.
here it is, in print, on page 110 above the picture of "the nine".. "the governing body relies on god's holy spirit for direction.
its members do not regard themselves as the leaders of jehovah's people.
Paul was appointed directly as an Apostle by Jesus, he gave ample proof of that, even raising the dead, and yes Holy Spirit directed him, "step over into Macedonia " etc.
But for anyone to claim similar direction today,they would need to supply some proof.
Great stuff there Wobble :)
Now I feel like picketing somewhere with a "I Need Proof" signboard :D
*Deemoo is swept up in forum frenzy*
i keep doing things that disappoint him sooooo much.. .
i know why i'm doing it - i don't really think i'm worthy of his love.. .
i need to stop before he finds me completely unlovable..
Just don't answer the phone when the ex calls :)
Or... there's nothing wrong with polite chat. If he brings up the past, just say you don't want to talk about it. Eventually, he'll probably stop calling.
Don't go meet him or anything... I found that when I met up with my ex- even for just a coffee, there was attraction (there's a reason we were together for 6 years - we would kiss goodbye, or I would hold his hand out of habit) - and then I would go back home and fight with my boyfriend about silly things because I felt guilty inside.
Talk to the current guy about it :)
Without more details, I'm just assuming things :D
I can relate. I went through some pretty intense depression last year.
At that point, I had lovely supportive parents, was studying engineering at a top world ranked university, had friends I could talk to and yet, I felt worthless and wished I was dead. I felt even more worthless because I had all these things going so well for me, and yet I didn't appreciate them and so wished I was dead so someone else could get the benefits.
For me, the medication helped. The counselling didn't help that much - mostly because I felt that the counsellor didn't care. (In reality, and in hindsight, I think she did care, but was clinically detached - just like they teach you in med school)
I can't help with the WT side of things - maybe getting a counsellor who has some experience with cult mentality can help there...
But from your side, let her talk every day. You don't have to say anything to her, or even remind her of all the things she has going good... for that may just make her feel more guilty about feeling the way she does. Just let her talk to you, tell you about what is making her sad... or if she can't pinpoint what it is, then just tell you what she did in the day.
Important - encourage her to get some exercise! Go out for a walk together every day if you live in the same place. Walk kids to school. Go for a swing in the nearby playground when all the kids are at school. Do some yoga. ANY exericse, even if it just gets her out of the house for only 15 minutes, will help.
Lastly, ask her to talk to the doctor about increasing her dosage. I've been on 30mg of Citalopram for the last year. I call them my happy pills :) While the medication controls my sadness, suicidal impulses & crying bouts.... I'm working on building up a positive mindset, getting qualified in a field I love and enjoying life.
I sincerely hope she gets through this.
when a person no longer cares about the past, they will accept the present without question.
the witnesses we talked with are always interchanging the gb/faithful and discreet slave for example, even if you point out the origins of each.
doesn't matter.
Hi Anti-Christ,
I don't know what the norms are wherever/whenever you had those studies, but my experience studying with thse JWs hasn't been like that. When I asked about the skirts only for women (I'm a girl.. I find the whole skirts only, not being able to give speeches, etc., very sexist and annoying), the people I'm studying with were very clear in telling me that these things were expected and what they believed. They gave examples of people who wore trousers during meetings when it was deep winter, but made it clear to me that while I might feel these things are sexist, it was what was recommened and what I would be expected to follow. They didn't lie to me about that.
The whole beard thing was explained to me as - even though Jesus had a beard, in the modern world, a clean-shaven person is considered more approachable. Since the JWs do a lot of door-to-door work, it is important that people don't feel threatened by them and that is why the org. asks them not to keep a beard.
Yes, they do keep certain things under wraps/carefully phrase their words until they think the topic is more palatable... but I don't think they have lied to me yet.
So, I don't think ALL people who conduct bible study are liars/forced to lie by the society.
first of all, i'm a newbie to this site, so i hope that there will be some response to my thread on this particular topic (which i have plenty to relate about).. i wonder why some single (and a few married) brothers in the org have shown a great deal of disrespect for single sisters?
i am bringing this issue up because not only myself but also my sisters [i have four (4) other in my immediate family] along with 3 of my cousins (who have been dedicated and baptized since adolescent age) plus my own close girlfriends have experienced being gossiped/slandered by a host of brothers who think that they are "all that" and jah's gift to women on planet earth!
as a matter fact, when one brother in particular [whose uncle is an elder, brother was a regular pioneer/temporary worker at bethel and cousin was a ministerial servant] at a nicely-populated gathering saw myself, two (2) of four sisters, one of cousins and a few of my close friends being approached as well as introduced to a number of handsome, well-dressed brothers to us via two (2) of the family members whom hosted the event.
"Storm coming - have to shut down and watch for tornadoes..." ... how exciting Zid! I know bad things can happen during tornadoes, but it really does sound like an exciting life!
Question - so what happens if, during the courtship, the two individuals decide that they are incompatible? Are they allowed to move on with their lives and court other people? Or are they forced to stick together because of any gossip/rumours that might arise?
just put your handle in a post on this thread.. hb.
A place to balance indoctrination (i'm studying with the JWs) with real world views :)
Just the other day, I felt guilty because I attended a child's birthday party when the JWs I'm studying with told me that they didn't believe in celebrating birthdays.
Forum was one of the things that helped me see sense :) ~~~ no guilt!
You are a great bunch of guys. my son leo:.
born on the 11th of may, a healthy 7lb 8oz (3.4kg).. just thought you'd all like to know!
Baby! Oh he's so cute funkyderek! That's an amazing photograph tooo! Congratulations ~ enjoy all those poopy nappies and the times he cannot say "no"!
*adores babies*
Never understood all the fuss about Armageddon - I've been taught by witnesses that after death, there is no hell, nor pain, just non-existence. That's not so bad! I just won't be around... yay! This infinitely long life without modern conveniences sounds incredibly boring to me. Oh well.
They'll have to find another angle to indoctrine me... hehehe...