Simon: I believe ISIS are Muslim, of course!. I also believe that e.g. Maajid Nawaz is a Muslim.
What I object to is the view that we should think ISIS is what it means exclusively to be a "Good Muslim" (or more specifically, that it means you should rape and butcher). I don't bear the burden of proof to establish that claim. If it turns out that none of us know what it means to be a "good Muslim" you will still not be correct.
You've been given the opportunity to explain why you believe that is not the case, So far you have refused to even try
Well I believe I have but here goes again:
- 1) I believe Maajid Nawaz is a Muslim
- 2) Maajid Nawaz does not rape and butcher, or believe anyone should
- 3) I got no grounds to make the judgment Maajid Nawaz is not a "good Muslim" whereas ISIS is which is not begging the question. I don't know if anyone can.
I would challenge you in return to first make it clear if you believe "good Muslim" is an "ought"-claim and then secondly, outline your argument for how that particular ought is derived.