JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
Please Share one of your Favourite Quotations
by cofty inhave you ever come across words that resonate with you?
it doesn't have to be a great gem of wisdom, just something that is meaningful to you.. please share, and if you want to, tell us why it's meaningful to you.. here is something that made me nod when i first read it.... .
"fortunate are those who have learned to see, in the wild things of nature, something to be loved, something to be wondered at, something to be reverenced, for they have found the key to a never-failing source of recreation and refreshment".
Wait on Jehovah - What does is it truly mean?
by ProfCNJ ingood evening folks!
we have encountered this advice countlessly on wt study articles.
this especially comes out to ease the waiting pain of brothers eagerly waiting for god's new world and the end of the old system of things - with all the sufferings that go along with it.. i also noticed this being floated to try to extend the patience of brothers who are jumping ahead of the organization in terms of thinking - as if they are pre-empting the organization on certain sensitive views and issues.. if a brother has gotten an idea or insight that is far more superior than the present affairs in the society, or regarded as way in advance - he can be branded as a brother "not in order".
What slimboyfat said
Was Your Leaving The Witnesses A Very Gradual Process Or A Quick One?
by minimus infor me, it took many years.. even when i would read all the changes over the years from the "truth", i still would ignore it and "wait on jehovah" and try to be a positive force in the congregation.. eventually, i just couldn't take it anymore and resigned as an elder, and slowly but surely made my fade.. what about you?
were you out, in a short or longer time?
Was pretty quick. Until I eventually dissaccociate, I think it will always have a little hold on me.
Letter From My Mother: Moire insane Watchtower Rhetoric
by confusedandalone inagain, i apologize to any who think i may be going overboard posting these letters, but i am hoping that i can help prepare others for the type of bombardment that they may face when dealing with mentally diseased witness parents who have no idea just how much control this cult has over them:.
august 19, 2013. dear <my name removed> & <my wifes name removed>, .
i had the privilege of attending the convention this weekend for a second time and i must say that i enjoyed it more than the first.
I so understand what your going through!! It sucks, I know.
Just remember they think they are trying to save your life, once they realize you're done they will write you off as dead and leave you alone.
Outlaw: love the picture!!!
I bet you can't sit still while listening to this
by Hortensia in
You're right! I had to get up and dance :) Great music.
Another one...nine felony counts - Sun Valley, CA
by Dagney in
church usher charged with sexual abuse of boy parishionersmarcelo lozano, 34, faces nine felony countsby melissa pamer| thursday, aug 1, 2013 | updated 1:51 am pdtview comments ()|email|printadvertisementan usher at a jehovah's witnesses congregation in sun valley was charged wednesday with sexually abusing four boys he met at the church.. marcelo lozano, 34, is expected to be arraigned wednesday afternoon at van nuys superior court with nine felony counts, according to the los angeles county district attorneys office.. lozano, who was an usher for the churchs spanish congregation, allegedly abused boys who ranged from 8 to 15 years old between 2006 and 2013.. he is charged with two counts each of aggravated sexual assault of a child, continuous sexual abuse and oral copulation of a person under 14. and he faces one count each of forcible lewd act upon a child, lewd act upon a child and sodomy of a person under 14 with 10 years difference.. prosecutors will recommend that the defendants bail be set at $1.8 million, the das office said.. lozano faces a maximum term of life in state prison if convicted on all charges.. the los angeles police department is still investigating the case, the das office said.. .
My husband and I caught this story on the 11pm news. Looks like they are looking for more victims:(
I'm always happy to hear the WTS is being exposed, but then its followed with feelings of sadness for the families effected.
A knot forms in my stomach knowing what those kids and their families have coming in the next few years, having gone through it myself not to long ago. I hope they have each other to lean on.
New Child Abuse lawsuit to be filed tomorrow in Ohio against WT and congregation
by AndersonsInfo inmedia alert: press conference wednesday, july 31, 2013, 11:00 am .
civil lawsuit filed against ohio jehovahs witnesses congregation and national organizations by sexual abuse victim .
childhood victim suffered sexual abuse from congregational leader over a four year period .
Yes! It's great to see these lawsuits moving forward. I really believe Candace Conti started the ball rolling!
We all got to see a young women stand up against the big bad WTS and come out victorious. We also got to see that lawyers out there are learning the insides and out of the ORG and therefore can and will go after them with with there own stupid, ridiculous ways of dealing with molesters and their victims.
Thank you brave women!!
Video of admitted child molester in Jehovahs Witnesses has gone viral!
by disfellowshipped1 innotice these two attorneys opining on this case..
Glad that San Diego covered that story.
Hopefully at least a few JW's are disgusted enough to look deeper into the allegations.
The real reason allegations of child abuse among JW's are not reported
by jeremiah18:5-10 inthis is my opinion, i don't have official quotes or official instructions to back this up.
what i have is real life experience of having been an elder that was involved in investigating an allegation of child abuse, why we didn't report, why we didn't encourage the parents to report.. its simple really, the main reason elders don't report is concern that they may lose their position in the congregation.
if you in any way "run ahead" of the society, you will be perceived as proud and arrogant and will be deleted!
Can't agree with you more Sammy.
We have been there and sadly been shown first hand the elders are nothing but company men!
Britain | Jehovah's Witnesses hushed up child sex scandal | July 16, 2013
by jwleaks inchurch officials hushed up a child sex scandal in their ranks and refused to co-operate with police.. .
jehovah witness ministerial servant gordon leighton admitted sexually abusing a child when he was confronted by his church elders, a court heard.. but during the official police investigation, the 53-year-old who made headlines in the 1990s when wife yvonne, 28, died after refusing a blood transfusion after childbirth on religious grounds denied any illegal wrongdoing.. and when detectives asked elders simon preyser, harry logan and david scott to make statements about the confession, all three refused and said what they had heard was confidential.. for three years, the elders refused to co-operate with the criminal investigation and kept up that stance when the case was brought before newcastle crown court after the victim made a complaint to police.. each was issued with a witness summons which they fought to overturn before being ordered to testify by judge penny moreland citing public interest.. their barrister richard daniels said the men had a duty to god not to breach confidence.. he added: privileged communication between members of the congregation and ministers is an absolute right and duty and there is no power in law to breach such a confidence.. judge moreland said: it is apparent that the three elders who were present when this conversation took place are in possession of relevant evidence as to a point which is of real significance in this case.. they claim the right of confidentiality, they claim that what they heard said by the defendant during the course of that meeting ought to be subject to privilege, as ministers of religion.. judge moreland refused to withdraw the summonses and said: public interest is clearly in favour of this evidence being given.. what was said by the defendant on that occasion is of great significance in the trial.. despite the judges ruling, the men still refused to make statements to police until just hours before they were called before the jury.. leighton, who has since been expelled from the church at lambton kingdom hall in washington, denied two charges of indecency with a child and seven of indecent assault.. he was yesterday found guilty of two charges of indecency with a child and six of indecent assault.
he was found not guilty of one indecent assault charge, on the direction of the judge.. he was remanded in custody until he is sentenced next month but warned he is facing a lengthy spell behind bars.. prosecutor katherine dunn told the court the victim, who is now an adult, broke her silence in 2009.. the court heard how at a special church meeting, leighton admitted sexual abuse and made excuses for his behaviour.. miss dunn said: the elders conducted their own investigation.
Mr Scott said after the “confession” Leighton was “reproved”, which means he was disciplined and all privileges removed from him.
He was not, at that stage, “disfellowed”, or banished from the church. Being “disfellowed” means nobody is allowed to speak to the disfellowed member and while they may still attend meetings, they are not allowed to participate.
Mr Scott said contacting the police was not discussed as an option.
It was only later, when allegations of violence were made against Leighton, that he was disfellowed and expelled from the congregation.
Mr Scott said: “It is not what you expect a Christian, someone who lives by Christian standards, to do, acting violently towards someone.
“The Bible says violence should be avoided.”
Henry Logan is also an elder at the congregation. He was also at the meeting and had participated in the internal “investigation”. He too said Leighton had initially denied the allegations.
But he added: “He then said that he had been drunk at the time and he may have done those things while he was drunk.”
Mr Logan said he was present when Leighton was told he would be reproved after the admissions.
He said: “He put his hands over his face and said ‘oh, I thought I was going to be disfellowshipped’ and he had tears in his eyes.”
Simon Preyser is an elder from the Roker congregation in Sunderland.
He chaired the meeting and described the allegations as “horrific”.
Mr Preyser told the court about Leighton’s initial denials but added: “He said ‘it might well be, while under the influence of alcohol, I did things I shouldn’t have done. Some of the things she’s said, I’ve done’.
“He just simply said ‘I’m sorry’.”