ROFL!!! I'm sorry but that is hilarious!!! SHOES?? Really?? Amazing that I actually feed into that garbage not so long ago!
Love the way you dealt with that elder. The only power they have is the power we give them :)
when you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
ROFL!!! I'm sorry but that is hilarious!!! SHOES?? Really?? Amazing that I actually feed into that garbage not so long ago!
Love the way you dealt with that elder. The only power they have is the power we give them :)
hi friends.
i would like to know your opinion on the following:.
If you know the real truth please don't allow your child to be raised in a religion that will leave him/ her with serious issues later in life.
The moment the child starts school it flag salute, no birthday cake, no holiday festivities. These may seem like little things but for a child who only wants to please their parents it's huge. my boyfriend, we're going to have one of those weddings ('gay' weddings to the straights).. although my jw family know i'm gay, and not going to meetings, only one of my sisters has sussed the situation.
but i think after 3 years it's about time i told them.
especially if sometime in the future i'll turn up with a (gay) wedding ring.
Congratulations!!! I'm sure it will be a fun and beautiful wedding!
oct 31 2013. .
a jehovah's witness elder who was exposed as a paedophile on facebook has been jailed.. jonathan rose was branded a hypocrite as he was locked up for molesting two little girls he met through the church.. manchester crown court heard that rose, of new moston , won the trust of his victims families before targeting their daughters.
I'm always sad when I read yet another molestation story.
I'm sad because I know what it will do to the victims and their families for the rest of their is truly like living on a roller coaster.
The fact that one of his young victims had to come before him in a judicial investigation later in life shows you how utterly sick this religion is!! Just imagian what she must have felt answering personal questions from the creep that molested her as a child!!
so my wife has started going to sunday meetings again.
when she returns home i ask her what she learned.. yesterday's talk was about "putting up with brothers and sisters who suffer depression" (in my wife's words).
this confirms my suspicions that there's a high percentage of jws who suffer from depression disorders.
I totally agree!
Sadly my 18 year old son was recently diagnosed with a form of depression and was put on medication along with therapy. We are learning just how much this religion has damaged our little family! We have a very long road ahead of us :(
very strong video on child abuse in the wt.
Strong video on showing what really goes on.
Thanks for sharing.
my hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
Wow!! That stinks.
the audio file is 1 hour 28 minutes in total.
the first hour is the panel speaking, and the remaining 28 minutes is the questions from journalists.. here is the link....
candace conti in particular did an amazing job, and the comments from the journalists show how appreciative they were of her bravery in speaking out on such a personal issue.. bill was also informative with some of the firsthand accounts he was able to give.. .
I have so much respect for what Candace has done and continues to do for the children of Jehovah's witnesses. I know it's because of her strength many more victims and survivors are coming forward to take a stand....either through speaking up or lawsuits. There is power in numbers!
absolutely weird.
minding my own business while pumping gas - this 60 year old short jw lady with fluffed bun styled 60's hair and her 30 year old attractive 5 ' 10 inch jw lady partner came straight up to me as i'm pumping.
they picked the wrong hombre .
Love it!!
I could just imagian the conversation that went on in that car group!! You gave them a whole lot to look into.
i know for us exjw's that have awakened from this religion, it seems incredulous that we ever.
could have believed we were going to live forever and never die.. not just never die, but never die, like i was raised to believe with.
the millions now living will never die, garbage.. i said that to my highly educated professional therapist last week.. her eyes got big, and she said gently as to a child, "loislane, we are all going to die".. yes, i know that now, but that is not what my religion taught and i believed, for 60 years.. any thoughts on how i explain this lunacy to her?.
It's hard to explain the mindset of JW's to any therapist, I would catch mine with the WTH look on his face quite often.