So sorry for your loss.
JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
My brother died yesterday
by satinka in"albert" was 55 years old, and the fifth-born of seven children.
i am the second oldest and babysat him often while he was growing up --- and while i was still at home.. yesterday, albert was out taking his usual morning stroll around his small town, when he collapsed on the sidewalk.
the doctors said it was a heart attack.
Quite an interesting first meeting with my Therapist.
by truthseekeriam inthe moment i mentioned jehovah's witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.. .
dear beloved one, .
i see your loneliness and fears.
I did give my horrible experience with the religion ( daughter molested ) and how it was handled before he pulled out the print out. I also told him I have absolutely no interest in religion period!
I didn't really think to much about it other then at least he knew about how JWs work.
Quite an interesting first meeting with my Therapist.
by truthseekeriam inthe moment i mentioned jehovah's witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.. .
dear beloved one, .
i see your loneliness and fears.
The moment I mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses he headed over to his file cabinet and handed me this print out.
Dear Beloved One,
I see your loneliness and fears. Your guilt and frustrations. I see your endless search for love and fulfillment. All this must be in order for you to come to the end of your own understanding. Then you can hear My voice. Listen carefully amid the noise of the world and you will hear -- I love you. I shed My blood for you to make you clean. Give yourself completely to Me. I created you to be just as you are, and you are lovely in My eyes. Do not criticize yourself, or become depressed for not being perfect in your own eyes. This leads only to frustration. I want you to trust Me. One day, one step, one second at a time.
Dwell in My power and My love and be free. Be yourself. Don't allow other people to control you. I will guide you, if you let Me, but be aware of My presence in everything. I'll give you patience, love, joy, and peace. Look to me for answers. For I am your Shepherd and will lead you. Follow Me only! Do not ever forget this. Listen and I will tell you My will. Let My love flow from you and spill over to all you touch. Be not concerned with yourself. You are My responsibility. I create, but not when you are striving.
You are Mine. Let Me have the job of making you like Christ. Your only command is to look to Me, and Me only. Never to yourself and never to others. Do not struggle, but relax in My love. I know what is best for you and will do it in you. Stop trying to become and let Me make you what I want. My will is perfect. My love is sufficient. I will supply all your needs -- look only to Me.
I love you,
Your Heavenly FatherHe then went on and on about how in his opinion JWs are the most dangerous religion and how he has had many patients who have suffered because of the religion. He made it very clear that he is very biased based on what he has learned through his patients and if we were uncomfortable with that we may want to find someone else. I think my husband was surprised but I love it!! I told him I would love to continue to see him:)
My first set of Christmas Decor with pictures
by confusedandalone inalthough we are not close to done yet i wanted to put up some pics of what we are doing over at the caa home.
it is lots of fun putting this stufff up and the kids love it.
the wife is in heaven because she always loved christmas time because as a kid it was something she totally enjoyed.
Very pretty!!
We are putting up our first tree this year. My daughter and I are so excited!! Husband, not so much...but knows its a step in moving forward :)
USA, Oklahoma | Jehovah's Witness church elder Ronald Lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980s
by jwleaks inusa, oklahoma | jehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to the 1980's.
a 76-year-old mcalester man was arrested tuesday on 19 counts of sexual abuse after police received claims he molested several children while in a position of authority more than 30 years ago.. mcalester police detectives were alerted to the alleged sexual crimes conducted by ronald lawrence back in august when his first accuser reported abuse at the hands of a jehovah's witness church leader.. a woman now in her 40s told detectives lawrence, an elder at mcalester's kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses, abused her when she was just eight years old, inviting her to his home, where he fondled her and raped her in his bathtub, according to her testimony found in lawrence's arrest warrant, which was issued tuesday.. two other accusers, also in their 40s, then came forward with similar stories of abuse.
both said they were very young, with one telling investigators the molestation took place from the time she was 10 until she was 13 years old.
I sure hope they prosecute the elders he confessed to!! These elders need to learn if they protect these freaking creeps they too will go down with them!!!
Im sorry but these cases always hit me hard. I know what it does to the victims and their families, I know how it destroyes their trust in everyone.
How many lives were destroyed by this ONE creep?? too many!
So now that he's 76 year old he finally has to pay for his crimes?
Letter I wrote to the person the caused me to be disfellowshipped
by jwfacts ina thread on another forum reminded me of a letter i wrote to the person that went to the elders and started the proceedings to have me disfellowshipped.
i stopped believing in the religion when i was 25 but continued going for about ten years.
i finally started to fade at 35, but about 6 months after i had stopped going to meetings, a person wrote a letter to the elders about my website, which at the time was anonymous.
Love it!!
new friend for me
by besty injust spent some valuable time with a long-lost friend from back in the day.
a reminder for me that jw's are just bubbles waiting to float up into freedom.. one day they will post their story here :-).
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
Writing out these experiences will definitely help with the anger. Look forward to reading the next one.
RESPONSE: Letting Go of the Need to Have Approval - MUST READ!
by gmason972 inthanks for the responses everybody!...nice to know i'm not alone in this.
the one thing that the watchtower society has taught me is to never place your value and worth in the hands of other people!....
once you look deep down inside yourself and let go of the need to have approval from will find out things about you; you didn't know before.
Love, love, love this post!!
Jehovah's Witness family ostracized, for being victims of child sex abuse crimes. and then told to get out of the congregation after the trial. - Jehovah's Witness elder gets jail.
by Sol Reform inutterly disgraced jehovah's witness elder who was exposed as a paedophile on facebook has been jailed despite supportive letters from fellow jehovahs witnesses expressing disagreement or disbelief about the guilty verdicts..
jail for jehovahs witness elder who molested girls31 oct 2013 16:47. jonathan rose was branded a hypocrite as he was locked up for molesting two little girls he met through the church.. jonathan rose a jehovah's witness elder who was exposed as a paedophile on facebook has been jailed.. jonathan rose was branded a hypocrite as he was locked up for molesting two little girls he met through the church.
manchester crown court heard that rose, of northfield avenue, new moston , won the trust of his victims families before targeting their daughters.. his youngest victim was just five-years-old when she was groped by him in her own home.
I know what it feels like when "spiritual" brothers and sisters go up to bat for our child's molester telling all that will listen " what a great man he is!" it's disgusting, it's hurtful and it leaves families of victims heartbroken. For us it's been years but we still each struggle with trust issues.