I agree Oubliette.
@ nonjwspouse
did any of you guys sit down and read this??
it's long but i assure you it's a great read.. .
I agree Oubliette.
@ nonjwspouse
hey guys, here's something to think about.
in my country there's a small town of a few thousands people were most people are jws.
can you image what's like living there?
It would be time to move!
did any of you guys sit down and read this??
it's long but i assure you it's a great read.. .
I believe this was the Watchtower's PMQ...person most quilified? Correct me if I'm wrong.
did any of you guys sit down and read this??
it's long but i assure you it's a great read.. .
Did any of you guys sit down and read this??
It's long but I assure you it's a great read.
literally, a text message to my husband from one of his "friends".
he also wrote, "it's in her hands.
it's her move now.
I agree, good lord!
Look, the truth is.....your going to be the bad guy for a while, life is going to be hell for a while.
I know its completely overwhelming right now because everything is all happening at once but try to think of it as a band-aid being ripped off quickly.
In the end you are done with these wacko people and on your way to a new life.
Just be glad you see where your husbands alliance is now, instead of 10 years from now.
I have family members stick in loveless marriages completely misrable all in the name of being a good little JW. It's completely ugly with no end in sight.
Just try to look past this ugliness and into your future.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
I'm really sorry your going through all this, especially the fact that it was your husband who turned you in.
By what you shared so far seems they have no idea what to do with such a strong woman...lol.
Trust me, they are trying to figure out how to put you in your place and yes they will use anything and anyone to do it.
My advice would be not to meet with them...refuse any communication and just let them do what they're going to do. The only control they have is what you give them.
I wish you and your kids all the best.
one of two things will happen.
i'll get disfellowshipped and never have to worry about being "told on" again for living a normal life, or; they won't do anything.. either way, it's freeing and i feel relieved... it will be sad if i get disfellowshipped but i've come to terms and made peace with it as much as can be expected.
it's a huge weight to have off.. was told on a week ago and haven't heard anything.
Just live your life, your kids are what matter. The sooner they get to live a normal childhood the better.
We didnt leave until mine were I their early teens and while they are enjoying their new lives the JW childhood has negatively effected them each in their own ways.
with many more cases in the offing the zalkin lawfirm will press the issue again and again and force gerrit loesch to testify.
what say you?.
I agree.
Hopefully someone contacts the lawyers with that information. It can only help, right?
okay, tonight someone told me that one of the elders actually addressed the child sex abuse cases at the weeknight meeting this past week.
she said the speaker said that accusations are being made against the truth but that they should stand firm in the truth and that they are going to continue fighting these allegations and that all should stand firm for jehovah or some similar comments.... did anyone else hear this from the stage?.
Love that quote!
Turning a blind eye only allows the evil to continue and more children to be victimized.
Makes me sick at how passive JW's continue to be...such a weak bunch of followers.
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
I personally think this pay by credit or debt card is only hurting them. Think about it, JW's do everything to impress others. I remember a few waving around their checks as the walked slowly toward the donation box, hoping everyone would notice. I'm going to guess if no one is watching them they would choose to use their hard earned money in other ways.