I had to chuckle a bit when you shared your experience at the book store. Only, because I did the same exact thing.
The fear we have/ had is very real, it takes time to let that go.
today is my first post on jwd, i was one of jehovahs witness for almost 50 years of my life, i was born into the religion.
i was baptized at a young age and once i got married i was a very spiritual woman as they would call me.
my husband and i served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to international conventions, did some special pioneer service in other states in the us.
I had to chuckle a bit when you shared your experience at the book store. Only, because I did the same exact thing.
The fear we have/ had is very real, it takes time to let that go.
interesting article in time magazine, from a former witness.. time magazine.
Great article! I read it to my daughter and husband and we couldn't help but laugh at when she was trying so hard not to sing along with the Christmas song.
If we only knew then, what we know now.... We truly could have saved our kids from some very tough times.
12/19/2014order filed.
upon due consideration, the media request of applicant abc news to make a video recording of oral argument in the above-referenced appeal is granted.
Not sure what ABC and now NBC is going to with their video recordings, wish I did.
01/07/2015Order filed. Upon due consideration, the media request of applicant The Center for Investigative Reporting/NBC Nightly News to make a video recording of oral argument in the above-referenced appeal is granted. The applicant shall confirm the arrangements for recording oral argument with the clerk of this court. This order does not permit the applicant or any other party to bring a recording device into the courtroom.
conti appeal hearing-summary of watchtowers complaint of errors with plaintiff's reply.
the following statements were taken from the introduction of respondents brief a136641 -attorney richard simons' response for plaintiff.
defendants argue that the affirmative duty imposed by the trial court impinges on their religious freedom.
Thank you Chaserious. Lets just hope this goes favorable for Candace Conti.
My thoughts and well wishes go out to her right now.
i met an aging, well, late sixties, pioneer sister a few days back, from a congregation four removes away, and a different circuit to my old congo.
i have known her since i was a kid.. i wasn't quite sure at first if she knew our "status" as we exchanged pleasantries, but it soon became clear she knew exactly our situation, that we walked away a few years ago.. she asked me about my views on life now, and listened respectfully, and said she appreciated my view, but a couple of questions that she threw at me, as in the thread title, showed that she was surprised that mrs phizzy and i had not gone off the rails after we left.. the mind control goes so very deep does it not ?
she was surprised that our marriage hadn't failed, and that we were now happy.. i wonder if she will ever make the connection that the jw org has lied to her about those of us who leave ?.
Left together and still very much in love. I do think the witnesses are surprised to see us still together, they always have been told how bad things turn out if you leave.
conti appeal hearing-summary of watchtowers complaint of errors with plaintiff's reply.
the following statements were taken from the introduction of respondents brief a136641 -attorney richard simons' response for plaintiff.
defendants argue that the affirmative duty imposed by the trial court impinges on their religious freedom.
So confused as to how long this could go on?? Does anyone know if this is the end of the line after this decision?
I'm sure this long process is so draining :(
hello all and happy new year!.
i don't post here often,but as the new year just started and my birthday is tomorrow, i am feeling extra reflective.
it has been several years since i was willingly disfellowshipped, and i say willingly because when the judicial committee asked me my thoughts on the organization i told them i thought it was not a god directed organization.
Great post! Congratulations on living for yourself!
in the long winter nights you need some good tv shows to watch while you wait for the eternity between seasons of game of thrones.. we've watched marco polo (pretty good) and have just started watching orange is the new black which is not at all what i imagined (didn't know it was funny!).
house of cards is on the list too as we've heard good things about that.. anyone have any others that are worth seeing?.
The Killing was really good.
in other words, is it true that the watchtower is just like other religions when it comes to cover-ups?.
from personal experience (with incest and doctrinal/financial fraud) in the watchtower i would say so.. especially when i compare stories like the one i read today:.
"its impossible to know how many women have been raped by jewish men.
i've been noticing a trend recently that seems to becoming prevalent in posts which i think is a little sad and counter productive where, whatever the topic is actually about, someone will be keen to remind everyone about child abuse issues within the wts.. any sort of abuse, especially that of children, is a very serious issue but i'm not sure it's prevention is necessarily best-served by brining it up at every opportunity.
it ends up looking a little like the republican party's obsession with benghazi where they harp on about it to such an extent that people have become blind to it and it almost becomes a punchline.
people become less and less convinced of the claims because they hear them too often.. trying to turn any discussion into including comments on it, however well-intentioned, starts to look misguided at some point.
Being someone who has personally been effected by the child abuse issue I have been guilty of what you are bringing up.
I have always found this forum a safe place to vent my feeling, which I admit are many. I really think we as posters post what we ourselves live. For some of us or at least myself, it happens to be this issue that really effects our thoughts. I'm sorry if it's not something you like, but it is me. At least at this time of my healing process :)