I met an aging, well, late sixties, Pioneer sister a few days back, from a Congregation four removes away, and a different Circuit to my old Congo. I have known her since I was a kid.
I wasn't quite sure at first if she knew our "status" as we exchanged pleasantries, but it soon became clear she knew exactly our situation, that we walked away a few years ago.
She asked me about my views on life now, and listened respectfully, and said she appreciated my view, but a couple of questions that she threw at me, as in the Thread Title, showed that she was surprised that Mrs Phizzy and I had not gone off the rails after we left.
The MInd Control goes so very deep does it not ? she was surprised that our marriage hadn't failed, and that we were now happy.
I wonder if she will ever make the connection that the JW Org has lied to her about those of us who leave ?
Sadly, I doubt it, but it certainly shook her preconceived ideas, as fed to her by a lying Corporation.